*+* Here's the proof **and** supporting evidence for the existence of GOD on 02/21/24 ...
Add Reply
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-22 04:35:07 UTC
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...


GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist

... as evident by His providing the greatest scientific proof of His
own existence ...

Laus DEO !

... along with the supporting evidence:

<begin supporting evidence>
I could personally utter **those words** but that
wouldn't make them true, except in your fevered imagination.
**emphasis** added.


Actually, you can't even write **Jesus is LORD** much less say the
sentence with your mouth or you would have done so already as in the
cited example of David Silverman (aka Arch Rationalist on YouTube and
Sanity's Helper on USENET).

Laus DEO !

While http://WonderfullyHungry.org in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that
GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned (Mark 3:29), more than ever by ever extending & increasing
His curse on you **and** your entire extended household more than ever
in the name (John 16:23) of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! !

"It is being done." -- Holy Spirit (see John 16:23)

Laus DEO !!!

The following additional eternally condemned souls unwittingly also
serve to add to this proof because they show that they, themselves,
also cannot say "Jesus is LORD" with their mouth (Romans 10:9) unto
salvation (Romans 10:10) because the Holy Spirit will not help them do

They unwittingly also serve as evidence of GOD, Who is the One Who
condemns (Mark 3:29) & curses (Jeremiah 17:5) them, as can be seen
within the USENET thread which starts with the OP at:

**and** more recently at:










**and** most recently at:

<end of supporting evidence>

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32)
Drumpf ( http://bit.ly/W_W_W_DJT ) or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-22 05:12:00 UTC
*+* 02/22/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...


GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist

... as evident by His providing the greatest scientific proof of His
own existence ...

Laus DEO !

... along with the supporting evidence:

<begin supporting evidence>
I could personally utter **those words** but that
wouldn't make them true, except in your fevered imagination.
**emphasis** added.


Actually, you can't even write **Jesus is LORD** much less say the
sentence with your mouth or you would have done so already as in the
cited example of David Silverman (aka Arch Rationalist on YouTube and
Sanity's Helper on USENET).

Laus DEO !

While http://WonderfullyHungry.org in the Holy Spirit, Who causes
(Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that
GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned (Mark 3:29), more than ever by ever extending & increasing
His curse on you **and** your entire extended household more than ever
in the name (John 16:23) of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! !

"It is being done." -- Holy Spirit (see John 16:23)

Laus DEO !!!

The following additional eternally condemned souls unwittingly also
serve to add to this proof because they show that they, themselves,
also cannot say "Jesus is LORD" with their mouth (Romans 10:9) unto
salvation (Romans 10:10) because the Holy Spirit will not help them do

They unwittingly also serve as evidence of GOD, Who is the One Who
condemns (Mark 3:29) & curses (Jeremiah 17:5) them, as can be seen
within the USENET thread which starts with the OP at:

**and** more recently at:










**and** most recently at:

<end of supporting evidence>

So let us not be a http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32)
Drumpf ( http://bit.ly/W_W_W_DJT ) or else we'll most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-22 05:48:04 UTC
*+* 02/22/24 Anita/KK tragically vainjangling (1 Tim 1:6) ...


Link to post explicating vainjangling by the eternally condemned:

"Like a moth to flame, the eternally condemned tragically return to be
ever more cursed by GOD."

Behold in wide-eyed wonder and amazement at the continued fulfillment
of this prophecy as clearly demonstrated within the following USENET

(1) Link to thread titled "LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our #1
Example of being wonderfully hungry;"


(2) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry;"


(3) Link to thread titled "A very very very simple definition of sin;"


(4) Link to thread titled "The LORD says 'Blessed are you who hunger


(5) Link to thread titled "Being wonderfully hungry like LORD Jesus;"


... for the continued benefit (Romans 8:28) of those of us who are
http://WonderfullyHungry.org like GOD ( http://bit.ly/Lk2442 ) with
all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to the LORD.


Laus DEO !

While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Bottom line:

<begin trichotomy>

(1) Born-again (John 3:3 & 5) humans - Folks who have GOD's Help (i.e.
Holy Spirit) to stop (John 5:14) sinning by being
http://WonderfullyHungry.org (Philippians 4:12) **but** are still
able to choose via their own "free will" to be instead
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) trapped in the
entangling (Hebrews 12:1) deadly (i.e. killed immortals Adam&Eve) sin
of gluttony (Proverbs 23:2).

(2) Eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) humans - Folks who will never have
GOD's Help (i.e. Holy Spirit) to stop being
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) as evident by their
constant vainjangling (1 Timothy 1:6) about everything except how to
stop (John 5:14) sinning.

(3) Perishing humans - The remaining folks who may possibly (Matthew
19:26) become born-again (John 3:3 & 5) as new (2 Corinthians 5:17)
creatures in Christ.

<end trichotomy>

Suggested further reading:

Subject: The LORD says "Blessed are you who hunger now ..."
Shame on andrew, look at his red face.

The color of my face in **not** visible here on USENET nor is the
color of my face red for those who can see me.
'14 Bible verses about Spiritual Hunger'
Such are the lies coming from the lying pens of the
http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (Genesis 25:32) commentators.

That which is "spiritual" is independent of time so that there
would've been no reference to "now."

Therefore, the LORD is referring to physical hunger here instead of
the spiritual "hunger and thirst for righteousness" elsewhere in

Indeed, physical hunger can **not** coexist with physical thirst
because the latter results in the loss of saliva needed for physical

It is when we hunger for food "now" (Luke 6:21a) that we are able to
eat food "now."

No such time constraints exist for "spiritual hunger."

Moreover, the perspective of Luke 6:21a through the eyes of a
physician (i.e. Dr. Luke) would be logically expected to be physical
instead of spiritual.

All glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly demonstrate your ever worsening cognitive condition
which is tragically a consequence of His cursing (Jeremiah 17:5) you
more than ever.

Laus DEO !


someone eternally condemned & ever more cursed by GOD perseverated:
(in a vain attempt to refute posts about being wonderfully hungry)
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Indeed, receiving a mouthful (Psalm 81:10) of manna from GOD will only
make His http://WDJW.great-site.net/Redeemed want even more, so that
we're even http://bit.ly/wonderfully_hungrier with all glory (
http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD.

Laus DEO !
13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of
the wicked is in need.
Indeed, the righteous know to be satisfied (Luke 6:21a) with an omer
(Exodus 16:16) of manna, while the wicked need (Proverbs 13:25) this
knowledge as evident by their eating until they are full (i.e.
2:26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of
the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed.
Indeed, an omer (32 ounces per Revelation 6:6) of manna is plenty
(Joel 2:26) with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD and to
the shame of you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned.

Laus DEO ! !
107 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Indeed, being filled (Psalm 107:9) with an omer (Exodus 16:16) of
manna is a Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6) thing while being satiated (i.e.
full) is evil.
14:17 "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by
giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying
your hearts with food and gladness."
In the interim, you, who are eternally (Mark 3:29) condemned, will
never be satisfied (Acts 14:17) because you are ever more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


Subject: a very very very simple definition of sin ...
Actually, sin is **not** defined in 1 John 1:8-10
John wrote this to christians. The greek grammer (sic) speaks of an ongoing
status. He includes himself in that status.
John was a Jew instead of a Greek so there is really no reason to
think that Greek grammar is relevant here.
1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
John also wrote earlier at John 5:14 that LORD Jesus commands:

"Now stop sinning or something worse may happen to you." (John 5:14)

And, indeed, your being eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) & ever more
cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD, as evident by your ever worsening
cognitive deficits, is really worse.

Now again, here's how to really stop sinning as LORD Jesus commands
(John 5:14):


While wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) in the Holy
Spirit, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) me to hunger right now (Luke
6:21a), I again pray (2 Chronicles 7:14) that GOD continues to curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally condemned (Mark 3:29), more
than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Laus DEO ! ! !

Again, this is done in hopes of convincing all reading this to stop
being http://bit.ly/terribly_hungry (2 Kings 6:29) where all are in
danger of becoming eternally condemned (Mark 3:29) just as had
happened to Ananias and Sapphira and more contemporaneously to Bob

Again, the LORD did strike down http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's
day just 9+ years ago:


Again, this is done ...

http://bit.ly/HeartDocAndrew touts hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.great-site.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist with an http://bit.ly/EternalMedicalLicense
2024 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-22 15:09:38 UTC
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-22 15:48:07 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
Whatever he may happen to be, he, too, like everyone else, is superior to
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

No, it isn't, you filthy old pedo swine!
Loose Cannon
2024-02-22 21:17:38 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-22 21:27:14 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.



Right on, all counts.


Is there, any doubt?

Beyond, debate.

It's so, fucking obvious.

Like, totally.

Hey sure, is.

Of, course.



Random, one-line drivel.

Me, too.

That is, right.

No doubt, about it.

You got, THAT right!

---------------------------------------> Taiwan
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-22 21:28:36 UTC
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Right on, all counts.
Is there, any doubt?
Beyond, debate.
It's so, fucking obvious.
Like, totally.
Hey sure, is.
Of, course.
Random, one-line drivel.
Me, too.
That is, right.
No doubt, about it.
You got, THAT right!
---------------------------------------> Taiwan
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-22 22:00:28 UTC
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Right on, all counts.
Is there, any doubt?
Beyond, debate.
It's so, fucking obvious.
Like, totally.
Hey sure, is.
Of, course.
Random, one-line drivel.
Me, too.
That is, right.
No doubt, about it.
You got, THAT right!
---------------------------------------> Taiwan
Get a job, assvoim!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-22 22:18:59 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:00:28 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Get a job, assvoim!
Oh, the IRONY! LMAO!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Paedophiles are still a long way from being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!
Loose Cannon
2024-02-22 22:33:01 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:00:28 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Get a job, assvoim!
Oh, the IRONY! LMAO!
Do you and these gooks kiss after licking each other's asshole?
2024-02-22 22:36:21 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:33:01 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Loose Cannon
Do you and these gooks kiss after licking each other's asshole?
Stop projecting your OWN perversions onto all those that you feel are
superior to you and straight unlike you, you two sexually crippled pervs!
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-22 22:53:43 UTC
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Loose Cannon
Do you and these gooks kiss after licking each other's asshole?
More to the point, does he kiss his grik momma with that mouth?
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-23 08:38:53 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:53:43 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Loose Cannon
Do you and these gooks kiss after licking each other's asshole?
More to the point, does he kiss his grik momma with that mouth?
More to the point: Stop projecting your OWN perversions onto all those that
you feel are superior to you and straight unlike you, you two ridiculous
sexually crippled pervs!
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 18:00:15 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:53:43 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Loose Cannon
Do you and these gooks kiss after licking each other's asshole?
More to the point, does he kiss his grik momma with that mouth?
More to the point: Stop projecting your OWN perversions onto all those that
you feel are superior to you and straight unlike you, you two ridiculous
sexually crippled pervs!
The mangina does that to try to feel better about himself.

But in the end, he is just as miserable.

To write about a much better topic, Jack Marshall wrote about Laken
Hope Riley.


Another “Nah, There’s No Mainstream Media Bias!” Smoking Gun: Trying to
Pretend That Another Murder by an Illegal Immigrant Isn’t Blood on
Biden’s Hands

On today’s CNN’s “AC360,” host Anderson Cooper described the
“horrifying” details of student Laken Hope Riley’s murder on the
University of Georgia campus last week, then quickly pivoted to spinning
that “the revelation the suspect was in this country unlawfully” had
caused the murder to be “politicized.” Earlier, CNN’s Jake Tapper
similarly adopted the “Republicans pounce!” tactic, saying “They’re
seizing on this as an example of Biden’s failure to protect the American
people and secure the border.”

Damn right, because that’s what it is. This death should be politicized:
it’s Willie Horton all over again, except that Biden and the
open-borders Democrats didn’t just goof by releasing one dangerous
criminal to prey on the public, they have released many, and are
releasing many more. Trump on Truth Social said the obvious, that
Riley’s murder should’ve ‘never happened.’” Of course it should never
have happened. Illegal immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to roam free, and
this one had already been arrested more than once.

CNN was apparently determined to disgrace itself even more than usual to
avoid admitting that the needless tragedy simply reaffirmed what Donald
Trump had said about illegal immigration when he announced his run for
the White House in 2015. It featured U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Katie
Porter (D-CA) who blathered that while the death of Laken Riley “is
tragic and it’s a loss and it’s important to acknowledge that,” “the
important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn’t shape our
overall immigration policy, which has so many different facets,
including economic choices about what workers to allow in, how to create
prosperity in America.” Naturally CNN’s Erin Burnett, Democratic Party
hack that she is, didn’t have the integrity decency or respect for her
viewers to respond, “What are you talking about? This wasn’t just an
isolated instance, and you know it. Just last month, the mother of
20-year-old Kayla Hamilton, who was autistic, filed a $100 million
lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security and the Department
of Health and Human Services claiming that they were responsible for her
daughter’s death. There were serious crimes, rapes, murders and
assaults, committed by illegals in every month of 2023! How stupid do
you think the American public is?”

Pretty stupid, apparently, and the news media is right there with her.
Newsweek wins the prize for most blatant effort to change the subject
with the idiotic headline, “MAGA demands death penalty for migrant
arrested over killing of Laken Riley.” The murder of a young woman by an
illegal immigrant isn’t the story; nah, it’s that those cruel MAGA types
want to execute him! (So do I. In fact, I would support a law mandating
the death penalty for any murder or rape committed by an illegal immigrant.)

Newsweek’s distortion is the kind of MSM news coverage we can expect
from now until Election Day.

Legal Insurrection provided a neat compendium of some particularly
disgusting mainstream media efforts to hide the part of the story that
indicts Biden’s border policies:

I think my favorite is the “fearful female athletes” angle the
Associated Press ran with.

These are vile, unethical, dishonest and shameless people, yet they are
the “professionals” Americans are supposed to trust with the crucial job
of keeping them informed on the state of the nation.
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 18:31:21 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:00:15 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Michael Ejercito
The mangina does that to try to feel better about himself.
You pretend to be an American to try to feel better about yourself.
Post by Michael Ejercito
But in the end, he is just as miserable.
Butt in the end, you will ALWAYS be just another illegal Flip Chinaman
who zsuckles jew ani!
Post by Michael Ejercito
To write about a much better topic, Jack Marshall wrote about Laken
Hope Riley.
Who gives two warm jew shits what some coon plagiarised, gook?


You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 19:07:33 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:31:21 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Peeler
More to the point: Stop projecting your OWN perversions onto all those that
you feel are superior to you and straight unlike you, you two ridiculous
sexually crippled pervs!
The mangina does that to try to feel better about himself.
You pretend to be an American to try to feel better about yourself.
Your master Michael pretends NOTHING! YOU nazi scum pretend to be human
because you know about your OWN slav inferiority!
Post by Michael Ejercito
But in the end, he is just as miserable.
Butt in the end, you will ALWAYS be just another illegal Flip Chinaman
who zsuckles jew ani!
Idiotic & psychotic NONSENSE!
Post by Michael Ejercito
To write about a much better topic, Jack Marshall wrote about Laken
Hope Riley.
Who gives two warm jew shits what some coon plagiarised, gook?
Where's your source which he allegedly "plagiarized", psychopath?
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Notorious pedo swine Razovic applauding the rape of a 14-year-old girl:
"Denying a fourteen-year old her sexual adventure is what is
horrifying, disgusting and shameful."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-26 16:37:31 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:00:28 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Get a job, assvoim!
Oh, the IRONY! LMAO!

Chris was right about him and his fellow dreckvolk!

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-26 19:52:55 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:37:31 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Chris was right about him and his fellow dreckvolk!
The uppity ape was absolutely right when he said we are, above all
else. Even a stoped clock is right twice a day!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-26 20:36:50 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 19:52:55 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Peeler
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Get a job, assvoim!
Oh, the IRONY! LMAO!
Chris was right about him and his fellow dreckvolk!
Smart Chris was absolutely right when he said we are, above all
else, craven cowards.
Yep, and you are the most craven coward of all cowardly nazis, pedo swine
Even a stoped clock is right twice a day!
You obviously are even stupider than stoped clock, dumb gay anal Razovic!
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"A lowering of the age of consent to reflect the rate at which today's
youngsters 'mature'."
MID: <gKNUE.1374684$***@usenetxs.com>

ONLY in your wildest gay dreams, gay anal Razovic!
2024-02-22 21:56:38 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 21:27:14 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Yup, BOTH of you ridiculous neo-nazi shitheads are indeed VERY VERY sick
assholes ...and total laughing stocks! LOL
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
2024-02-22 21:28:05 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:17:38 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
BOTH would be better than being two utterly retarded neo-nazi cretins like
you and your serbian pimp, Loose Sphincter, you abysmally stupid gay
neo-nazi whore!
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-26 16:36:55 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:17:38 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
BOTH would be better than being two utterly retarded neo-nazi cretins like
you and your serbian pimp, Loose Sphincter, you abysmally stupid gay
neo-nazi whore!
They just keep calling Dr. Chung a gook!

They will never measure up to him.

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-26 19:52:55 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:36:55 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Michael Ejercito
They just keep calling Dr. Chung a gook!
Quack Chung just keeps BEING a gook!
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-26 20:36:50 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 19:52:55 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Peeler
BOTH would be better than being two utterly retarded neo-nazi cretins like
you and your serbian pimp, Loose Sphincter, you abysmally stupid gay
neo-nazi whore!
They just keep calling Dr. Chung a gook!
Quack Chung just keeps BEING a gook!
Not at all. But he just, like everyone else, keeps being SUPERIOR to you
retarded neo-nazi scum!
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!
YOU are not "human" by any normal standard, psychopathic sexual cripple!
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Why do we still have outdated laws prohibiting paedophilia? Do you
seriously think that a 12-year old who spends 15 hours a day on Facebook
doesn't know what's going on?"
MID: <FnMUE.676068$***@usenetxs.com>

So 12-year-olds are your thing, filthy old pedo swine?
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 08:24:15 UTC
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:36:55 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Michael Ejercito
They just keep calling Dr. Chung a gook!
Quack Chung just keeps BEING a gook!
Again, you call him a gook.
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!
You are a gook.
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!

2024-02-27 09:55:14 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
That filthy old cunt sits at home, all day long, full of hatred, eaten up by
her hatred, unable to do any of the above, or anything else. As someone once
said about her, "her hatred is her religion".
Michael Ejercito
2024-03-03 15:39:46 UTC
Post by Peeler
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
That filthy old cunt sits at home, all day long, full of hatred, eaten up by
her hatred, unable to do any of the above, or anything else. As someone once
said about her, "her hatred is her religion".
Did a slant-eyed girl turn down his sexual advances?

Or was that a slant-eyed BOY?

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-03-03 17:49:41 UTC
On Sun, 3 Mar 2024 07:39:46 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Michael Ejercito
Did a slant-eyed girl turn down his sexual advances?
EVERY girl and subhuman subgirl will turn down YOUR needledicked
sexual advance, gook!
Post by Michael Ejercito
Or was that a slant-eyed BOY?
There's that primitive Asiatic 'homophobia'®™ again....you better get
USED to it, gook...your host state will make homosexuality MANDATORY
this year!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-03 18:13:59 UTC
<FLUSH the usual clinically insane crap unread>

...nothing's left! LOL

Innit, our retarded punching bag?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

No, it isn't, you filthy old pedo swine!
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 15:43:10 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:24:15 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:36:55 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Michael Ejercito
They just keep calling Dr. Chung a gook!
Quack Chung just keeps BEING a gook!
Again, you call him a gook.
Again, he IS a gook...and so are YOU, gook!
Post by %
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!
You are a gook.
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
No subpeople of east Asian and southeast Asian excretion can do
anything butt outshit and outfart Humans!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 16:54:16 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:43:10 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
Again, you call him a gook.
Again, he IS a gook...and so are YOU, gook!
Neither of them is. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted
psychopathic swine! And you KNOW it!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
No subpeople of east Asian and southeast Asian excretion can do
anything butt outshit and outfart Humans!
Spoken like a real psychopathic sexual cripple!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day on Facebook
is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

Are you hoping some 13-year-old would be willing to "consent" and let you
diddle him, filthy old pedo swine?
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 18:28:24 UTC
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:24:15 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:36:55 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!
You are a gook.
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
No subpeople of east Asian and southeast Asian excretion can do
anything butt outshit and outfart Humans!
So you are denying that you are Human?

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 20:56:13 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:28:24 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:24:15 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:36:55 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
They will never measure up to him.
Humans can only measure DOWN to gooks, gook!
You are a gook.
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
So many people of east Asian and southeast Asian descent outearn
you, outwit you, outsex you, and outclass you!
No subpeople of east Asian and southeast Asian excretion can do
anything butt outshit and outfart Humans!
So you are denying that you are Human?
So why are you aksing questions, gook? WE aks the questions!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 21:02:47 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:56:13 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
So you are denying that you are Human?
So why are you aksing questions, gook? WE aks the questions!
No you don't! YOU only get your bleeding psychopathic ass clobbered here and
your stupid serbian gob filled with the shit people enjoy dumping in it,
you poor psychopathic shiteating serbian asshole.

And now open your big filthy serbian gob WIDE...
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"A lowering of the age of consent to reflect the rate at which today's
youngsters 'mature'."
MID: <gKNUE.1374684$***@usenetxs.com>

ONLY in your wildest gay dreams, gay anal Razovic!
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-23 03:34:03 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Why do you keep calling people gooks!

Loose Cannon
2024-02-23 04:21:03 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 19:34:03 -0800, Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
I don't call people 'gooks', I call you and Chung gooks. I didn't
invent the word but it certainly fits. Why do you object to it so?
Chung doesn't seem to complain. He knows what he is.
Post by Michael Ejercito
2024-02-23 08:38:53 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:21:03 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Michael Ejercito
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
I don't call people 'gooks', I call you and Chung gooks. I didn't
invent the word but it certainly fits. Why do you object to it so?
Chung doesn't seem to complain. He knows what he is.
NOBODY is a gook; but you indeed ARE an abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi whore,
Loose Sphincter. And there's no one (not even your serbian pimp) who would
Anti-virus firm AVG <***@avg.com> addressing Loose Sphincter on Usenet:

"Hello from AVG.

Please stop advertising us. We don't want to be associated with neo-Nazi
scum like you and RichA, no matter whether you use our product or not.

And fix your fucking sig separator!

Sincerely, AVG."
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 18:01:02 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:21:03 -0500, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Michael Ejercito
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
I don't call people 'gooks', I call you and Chung gooks. I didn't
invent the word but it certainly fits. Why do you object to it so?
Chung doesn't seem to complain. He knows what he is.
NOBODY is a gook; but you indeed ARE an abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi whore,
Loose Sphincter. And there's no one (not even your serbian pimp) who would
Bill Levinson used to humiliate his fellow dreckvolk!

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 18:31:06 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:01:02 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Michael Ejercito
Bill Levinson used to humiliate his fellow dreckvolk!
WE used to humiliate Levinsteen and his fellow
judendreckuntervolk...so much so that they left Usenet with their jew
tails between their jew legs and never showed their contorted
rodent-like jew faces here AGAIN!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 19:07:32 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 18:31:06 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the Foreskin PEELER fairy
first, as he LEAPS to the defence of his slant-eyed gook fiancee!
You STILL can't get past me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL
Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!
You WISH, you hilarious housebound impotent WIMP! LOL
<fluhs grik skata>
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Peeler
NOBODY is a gook; but you indeed ARE an abysmally stupid gay neo-nazi whore,
Loose Sphincter. And there's no one (not even your serbian pimp) who would
Bill Levinson used to humiliate his fellow dreckvolk!
WE used to humiliate Levinsteen and his fellow
judendreckuntervolk...so much so that they left Usenet with their jew
tails between their jew legs and never showed their contorted
rodent-like jew faces here AGAIN!
The ONLY one you EVER humiliated was YOURSELF, you poor miserable subnormal
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day on Facebook
is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

Are you hoping some 13-year-old would be willing to "consent" and let you
diddle him, filthy old pedo swine?
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-23 15:14:16 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 19:34:03 -0800, Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
I don't call people 'gooks', I call you and Chung gooks. I didn't
invent the word but it certainly fits. Why do you object to it so?
Chung doesn't seem to complain. He knows what he is.



Right on, all counts.


Is there, any doubt?

Beyond, debate.

It's so, fucking obvious.

Like, totally.

He sure, does.

Of, course.



Random, one-line drivel.

Me, too.

That is, right.

No doubt, about it.

You got, THAT right!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-23 15:19:44 UTC
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:14:16 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Yup, BOTH of you ridiculous neo-nazi shitheads are indeed VERY VERY sick
assholes ...and total laughing stocks! LOL
Loose Sphincter about his passion:
" I love eating the Shit out of Poor Helpless Dumb Goran Razovic! LOL"
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-23 15:14:16 UTC
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 19:34:03 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by Loose Cannon
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 15:09:38 +0000, Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:35:07 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/21/24 AgainX2, easily & irrefutably proving GOD's existence
with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD ...
GOD happens to be http://bit.ly/TheGreatestScientist
YOU happen to be the greatest QUACK!
...and a gook.
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
Why do you keep aksing questions? WE aks the questions, gook!

Strip away the jewloving, the ainlungus, the 'holocaust'®™
marketing/promotion, the depravity, the underage sibling sodomy, the
two-fingered masturbation, the denial of rape beneficiaries, the
online porn portfoliolioliolio consisting entirely of WHITE women, the
sheer adoration of uppity ape Chrissie Morton, the sheer terror of
rapture and deportation by the ICE Five-0, the encouragement of
bestiality between Humans and subhuman species such as gooks and jews
and the excretion of subhuman sub-babies and what is left?

A hideous, gormless slant eyed mongoloid with a BLANK mind.

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-23 15:19:43 UTC
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:14:16 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
Why do you keep calling people gooks!
Why do you keep aksing questions? WE aks the questions, gook!
No you don't! YOU only get your bleeding psychopathic ass clobbered here and
your stupid serbian gob filled with the shit people enjoy dumping in it,
you poor psychopathic shiteating serbian asshole.

And now open your big filthy serbian gob WIDE again...
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Paedophiles are still a long way from being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-23 23:58:33 UTC
*+* 02/23/24 Again praying for % here ...

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-23 23:33:09 UTC
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 18:58:33 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/23/24 Again praying for % here ...
Nobody's going to pray for YOUR soul, gook...you don't GOT one!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-24 08:29:57 UTC
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 23:33:09 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/23/24 Again praying for % here ...
Nobody's going to pray for YOUR soul, gook...you don't GOT one!
You are talking about yourself again, like you always do, whenever you rant
about your objects of hatred, you endlessly projecting psychopathic swine!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
construct. Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day
on Facebook is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

So 13-year-olds are your thing, filthy old pedo swine?
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-28 18:33:58 UTC
Post by Peeler
On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 23:33:09 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/23/24 Again praying for % here ...
Nobody's going to pray for YOUR soul, gook...you don't GOT one!
You are talking about yourself again, like you always do, whenever you rant
about your objects of hatred, you endlessly projecting psychopathic swine!
He should try being wonderfully hungry.

Then he will; be rapture ready!

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-28 18:56:56 UTC
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:33:58 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
WAIT! I got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] to get past the cowardly spineless
invertebrate Foreskin PEELER fairy first, as he LEAPS to the defence
of his slant-eyed gook fiancee! {{{{{{{shudder}}}}}}}!

Grab Foreskin PEELER by his grubby grik neck and give him a swift
kick in the bum!

<fluhs grik skata>

Post by Michael Ejercito
He should try being wonderfully hungry.
You should try giving up the freshly squeezed jew diarrhoea, gook. You
don't LOOK particularly hungry:
Post by Michael Ejercito
Then he will; be rapture ready!
YOU have been ready for rapture by the ICE Five-0 for YEARS!

Strip away the jewloving, the ainlungus, the 'holocaust'®™
marketing/promotion, the depravity, the underage sibling sodomy, the
daily two-fingered masturbation, the denial of rape beneficiaries, the
online porn portfoliolioliolio consisting entirely of WHITE women, the
gob dripping with freshly squeezed jew diarrhoea, the feasting on dogs
and other domestic pets, the delusions of being an American, the sheer
adoration of uppity ape Chrissie Morton, the sheer terror of rapture
and deportation by the ICE Five-0, the encouragement of bestiality
between Humans and subhuman species such as gooks and jews and the
excretion of subhuman sub-babies and what is left?

Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito: a hideous, gormless slant eyed
mongoloid with a BLANK mind.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-28 19:34:20 UTC
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 18:56:56 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum", farted again:

<FLUSH psychopath's psychopathic crap>

...oops, nothing's left, yet again! LOL
Notorious pedo swine Razovic applauding the rape of a 14-year-old girl:
"Denying a fourteen-year old her sexual adventure is what is
horrifying, disgusting and shameful."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-26 19:15:04 UTC
*+* 02/26/24 Again praying for % here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-26 19:17:14 UTC
*+* 02/26/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-27 03:29:46 UTC
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...

Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 08:14:56 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...
Indeed, we should pray!

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-27 11:15:51 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...
Indeed, we should pray!
Now please do likewise as our LORD Jesus & I have done for you,
Michael, and http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12).
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 15:43:18 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:14:56 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...
Indeed, we should pray!
Indeed, and hope that the ICE Five-0 doesn't rapture you two gooks!

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 16:54:16 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:43:18 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
Indeed, we should pray!
Indeed, and hope that the ICE Five-0 doesn't rapture you two gooks!
Won't happen, retard!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else.
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

No, it isn't, you filthy old pedo swine!
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-27 18:27:38 UTC
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:14:56 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...
Indeed, we should pray!
Indeed, and hope that the ICE Five-0 doesn't rapture you two gooks!
I am an American, so ICE will not rapture me.

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-27 20:55:54 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:27:38 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:14:56 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...
Indeed, we should pray!
Indeed, and hope that the ICE Five-0 doesn't rapture you two gooks!
I am an American, so ICE will not rapture me.
You are an illegal Flip Chinaman, so when the ICE rounds you up, they
WILL rapture you!

You don't even LOOK like a g-ddam American:
Try telling the ICE Five-0 that you're an American! LOL

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-27 21:02:45 UTC
On Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:55:54 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by Michael Ejercito
I am an American, so ICE will not rapture me.
You are an illegal Flip Chinaman, so when the ICE rounds you up, they
WILL rapture you!
Psychotic NONSENSE!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Try telling the ICE Five-0 that you're an American! LOL
HE looks like an American. YOU definitely look like a sick asshole:
Loading Image...
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
You are a gook.
He isn't. But YOU are a sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic
swine! And you KNOW it!
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
As the sick subnormal degenerate and perverted psychopathic swine that you
are, NOBODY and NOTHING is below you! And you know THAT, too!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Why do we still have outdated laws prohibiting paedophilia? Do you
seriously think that a 12-year old who spends 15 hours a day on Facebook
doesn't know what's going on?"
MID: <FnMUE.676068$***@usenetxs.com>

So 12-year-olds are your thing, filthy old pedo swine?
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-27 14:50:19 UTC
*+* 02/27/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-28 02:41:02 UTC
*+* 02/27/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-29 03:22:15 UTC
*+* 02/28/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

Michael Ejercito
2024-02-29 04:49:43 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/28/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-29 14:52:42 UTC
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:49:43 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/28/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Pray for continued evading of rapture by the ICE Five-0, gook!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-29 16:02:12 UTC
...as per usual! LOL

Innit, our pedophilic psychopath?
Notorious pedo swine Razovic applauding the rape of a 14-year-old girl:
"Denying a fourteen-year old her sexual adventure is what is
horrifying, disgusting and shameful."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
Michael Ejercito
2024-02-29 18:09:31 UTC
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:49:43 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/28/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Pray for continued evading of rapture by the ICE Five-0, gook!
The ICE 5-0 has no reason to rapture me.

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-02-29 18:18:57 UTC
On Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:09:31 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by %
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 20:49:43 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 02/28/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Pray for continued evading of rapture by the ICE Five-0, gook!
The ICE 5-0 has no reason to rapture me.
The ICE Five-0 got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] EVERY reason to rapture you and
you got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] EVERY reason to be terrified of rapture and

Strip away the jewloving, the ainlungus, the rabid 'pro-semitism'®™,
the 'holocaust'®™ marketing/promotion, the depravity, the underage
sibling sodomy, the daily two-fingered masturbation, the denial of
rape beneficiaries, the online porn portfoliolioliolio consisting
entirely of WHITE women, the gob dripping with freshly squeezed jew
diarrhoea, the feasting on dogs and other domestic pets, the delusions
of being an American, the sheer adoration of uppity ape Chrissie
Morton, the sheer terror of rapture and deportation by the ICE Five-0,
the encouragement of bestiality between Humans and subhuman species
such as gooks and jews and the excretion of subhuman sub-babies and
what is left?

Miguel ("Michael"! LOL) Ejershito: a hideous, gormless slant eyed
mongoloid with a BLANK mind.

You are a gook etc.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-02-29 19:36:18 UTC
<FLUSH psychotic NONSENSE>

...nothing's left, as usual! LOL

Innit, our resident pedo swine?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Paedophiles are still a long way from being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-01 20:21:18 UTC
*+* 03/01/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-02 19:17:06 UTC
*+* 03/02/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-03-02 19:48:20 UTC
On Sat, 02 Mar 2024 14:17:06 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/02/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Again, praying for your rapture by the ICE Five-0, gook! May it be
soon, insh'Allah!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-02 19:55:48 UTC
On Sat, 02 Mar 2024 19:48:20 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
On Sat, 02 Mar 2024 14:17:06 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/02/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Again, praying for your rapture by the ICE Five-0, gook! May it be
soon, insh'Allah!
Again, thanks for another display of your clinical insanity, pedo swine
Razovic! LOL Innit?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Paedophiles are still a long way from being widely accepted."
MID: <rlMUE.676067$***@usenetxs.com>

Your kind will NEVER be accepted, in NO part of the world, you filthy old
reject and pedo swine!
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-07 18:44:40 UTC
*+* 03/07/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-07 18:48:03 UTC
*+* 03/07/24 Again praying w/ Michael here ...

HeartQuack Andrew
2024-03-07 20:56:49 UTC
On Thu, 07 Mar 2024 13:48:03 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/07/24 Again praying w/ Michael here ...
Prayong for WHAT, gook? That the ICE Five-0 won't rapture you and
send you back to Taiwan?
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-07 21:19:53 UTC
On Thu, 07 Mar 2024 20:56:49 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "HeartQuack Andrew", farted
Post by HeartQuack Andrew
Prayong for WHAT, gook? That the ICE Five-0 won't rapture you and
send you back to Taiwan?
Psychosis in full bloom again, you pitiable housebound filth old pedo swine?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"A lowering of the age of consent to reflect the rate at which today's
youngsters 'mature'."
MID: <gKNUE.1374684$***@usenetxs.com>

ONLY in your wildest gay dreams, gay anal Razovic!
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-07 20:18:59 UTC
*+* 03/07/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-08 02:47:18 UTC
*+* 03/07/24 AgainX3 praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-08 17:02:50 UTC
*+* 03/08/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

Michael Ejercito
2024-03-08 19:21:52 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!

HeartQuack Andrew
2024-03-08 20:14:18 UTC
On Fri, 8 Mar 2024 11:21:52 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Pray that the ICE Five-0 won't rapture you two gooks, gook!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-08 21:03:57 UTC
On Fri, 08 Mar 2024 20:14:18 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "HeartQuack Andrew", farted
Post by HeartQuack Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Let us pray!
Pray that the ICE Five-0 won't rapture you two gooks, gook!
Pray that you will soon get institutionalized again and then euthanized as
quickly as possible, pedophilic dreckserb!
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day on Facebook
is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

Are you hoping some 13-year-old would be willing to "consent" and let you
diddle him, filthy old pedo swine?
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-08 21:02:44 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Now please do likewise as our LORD Jesus & I have done for you,
Michael, and http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12).
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-08 21:06:01 UTC
*+* 03/08/24 Again being unkind to MichaelE is sin ...

Michael Ejercito
2024-03-10 17:30:44 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again being unkind to MichaelE is sin ...

HeartQuack Andrew
2024-03-10 18:07:53 UTC
On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:30:44 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again being unkind to MichaelE is sin ...
Inane Asiatic 'me too' one-word drivel, as first noted by Boadicea.
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-10 19:45:21 UTC
On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 18:07:53 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "HeartQuack Andrew", farted
Post by HeartQuack Andrew
On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:30:44 -0700, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/08/24 Again being unkind to MichaelE is sin ...
Inane Asiatic 'me too' one-word drivel, as first noted by Boadicea.
...projects the grand-master of inane "contributions", pedophilic serb
psychopath Razovic herself, Usenet's "famous" sexual cripple! LOL
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"A lowering of the age of consent to reflect the rate at which today's
youngsters 'mature'."
MID: <gKNUE.1374684$***@usenetxs.com>

ONLY in your wildest gay dreams, gay anal Razovic!
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-09 03:31:36 UTC
*+* 03/08/24 AgainX2 praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-11 02:12:00 UTC
*+* 03/10/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-12 01:40:39 UTC
*+* 03/11/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...

Michael Ejercito
2024-03-03 15:50:40 UTC
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/01/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!

HeartDoc Andrew
2024-03-03 17:45:55 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/01/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
... and do likewise as our LORD Jesus has done for us, Michael, and
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12)
https://tinyurl.com/ApostlePaulsSecret (Philippians 4:12)
https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37) answer to be "rapture
ready" in order to not be "left behind" to suffer the 7-year Great
Tribulation from the chaos unleashed by http://AntiChrist45.com
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-03-03 18:22:26 UTC
On Sun, 03 Mar 2024 12:45:55 -0500, HeartQuack Andrew
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/01/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
... and do likewise as our LORD Jesus has done for us, Michael, and
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12)
https://tinyurl.com/ApostlePaulsSecret (Philippians 4:12)
https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37) answer to be "rapture
ready" in order to not be "left behind" to suffer the 7-year Great
Tribulation from the chaos unleashed by http://AntiChrist45.com
Are YOU rapture ready, gook? The ICE Five-0 are coming for you!
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-03 18:42:29 UTC
On Sun, 03 Mar 2024 18:22:26 +0000, clinically insane, pedophilic, serbian
bitch Razovic, the resident psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous
sexual cripple, making a total ass of herself as "Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew
Post by Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
... and do likewise as our LORD Jesus has done for us, Michael, and
http://go.WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward (John 15:12)
https://tinyurl.com/ApostlePaulsSecret (Philippians 4:12)
https://tinyurl.com/RaptureRiddle (Luke 17:37) answer to be "rapture
ready" in order to not be "left behind" to suffer the 7-year Great
Tribulation from the chaos unleashed by http://AntiChrist45.com
Are YOU rapture ready, gook? The ICE Five-0 are coming for you!
Looks more like the men in the white coats will be coming for you soon
again! LMAO
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"Isn't it time that paedophiles were admitted to the LGBTQ rainbow?"
MID: <Y8LUE.513827$***@usenetxs.com>

NO, it isn't, you filthy old pedo swine!
Anita 'Annie' Shein is jew paedophile BARRY SHEIN's dead circumcised jew mum
2024-03-03 17:48:59 UTC
On Sun, 3 Mar 2024 07:50:40 -0800, NOT Michael Ejercito
Post by Michael Ejercito
Post by HeartDoc Andrew
*+* 03/01/24 Again praying for Mitchell here ...
Let us pray!
Praying won't HELP you, gook...the ICE Five-0 got[sic][SIC!!! LOL] you
in their crosshairs!

-------------------------------------------------------------> Manila

You are a gook.

As a craven gook who zsuckles jew ani, you are, below all else
The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus admits he got
no life AT ALL outside stalking on THE Usenet!
"Frankly, if he were gone, I wouldn't know what to do here."
Message-ID: <FCOQt.107901$***@fx13.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus, defending his fellow
Grik sodomite the Grikboxer® and under the delusion that he's
been able to grow a pair: "You'd have to get past me first,"
Message-ID: <LOOQt.337647$***@fx08.fr7>

Yet more proof that the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
thinks he got a pair: "Just to let you know: ANYONE who "befriends"
the subnormal swine will have to deal with me! Get ready, bitch!"
Message-ID: <FHg6t.166438$***@newsfe07.iad>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus STILL seems to think
he got a pair: "Which will NEVER happen! You'd have to get past
me first, poor psycho! LOL"
Message-ID: <MCSIu.1$***@fx32.fr7>

The Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus having still MORE delusions
about growing a pair: "If ANYONE dared to grab me by the neck
like that he'd get my fist in his face."
Message-ID: <qeilfu$iog$***@gioia.aioe.org>

And AGAIN: "YOU sick pedo swine and ridiculous overt sexual cripple certainly won't EVER
get past any of us! This is a PROMISE, our pedophilic punching bag! LOL:
Message-ID: <178eb1f58212ab1a$16$2903823$***@news.newsdemon.com>

In spite of all the evidence, the Illiterate Foreskin Peeling Grik anus
STILL has delusions about growing a pair!
"What kind of other-worldly pussies (men?) are you all? If someone
would dare to grab me by the back of my neck like that and push me
around, my instinctive, AUTOMATIC reaction would be to knock him in
the face! NOBODY is allowed to do that to ANYONE!"
Message-ID: <qfnPE.73303$***@usenetxs.com>

And the demented grik delusions continue: "You STILL can't get past
me, my psychopathic pwnling! LOL"
Message-Id: <17a82652457272d3$1118$2642209$***@news.newsdemon.com>

Best of all! From the Foreskin Peeler's doctoral dissertation in divinity,
'University' of Salonica (1992): "The jew g-d is your g-d's dad."
2024-03-03 18:13:59 UTC
<FLUSH psychopath's psychopathic crap unread>

...nothing's left, again! LOL

Right, our favourite pedophilic punching bag?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"That [referring to the term "consenting adults"] is just an outdated legal
construct. Are you telling me that a 13-year old who spends 15 hours a day
on Facebook is incapable of consent?"
MID: <Og0VE.1298131$***@usenetxs.com>

So 13-year-olds are your thing, filthy old pedo swine?
HeartDoc Andrew
2024-02-27 03:32:46 UTC
*+* 02/26/24 AgainX2 praying for % here ...

2024-02-29 19:58:16 UTC
...as predicted! LOL

Innit, my endlessly suffering pedophilic punching bag?
Pedophilic dreckserb Razovic arguing in favour of pedophilia, again:
"A lowering of the age of consent to reflect the rate at which today's
youngsters 'mature'."
MID: <gKNUE.1374684$***@usenetxs.com>

ONLY in your wildest gay dreams, gay anal Razovic!