Gotland wheelchair gang rape: Special forces called in
(too old to reply)
2016-10-07 15:51:53 UTC
The historic and idyllic island of Gotland on the east coast of Sweden with a population of 57,000 has long been popular with tourists and a stopover for Baltic cruise liners. But now the capital of Gotland, the medieval walled town of Visby, has been shaken by events not seen since Viking days and special police units have been sent from mainland Sweden to prevent the breakdown of law and order.

The trouble started a year ago when the island authorities decided that Gotland, with its homogenous Swedish population and ancient identity and traditions should become modern and multicultural. It was time for Gotland shake off it's sleepy cobwebs and become a vibrant and dynamic part of the new diverse Sweden. The Island was to open refugee centres and welcome hundreds of immigrant "New Gotlanders" who would enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions. The old Gotlanders were exited by the prospect and looked forward with enthusiasm to the new friends they were going to make.

Things did not go as the Gotlanders were lead to believe or had expected. Shortly after the arrival of the immigrants a crime wave of never before seen proportions hit the once peaceful isle. A series of muggings, assaults and rapes flooded over the historical hills and valleys and shocked Gotlanders to the core. It became dangerous for women to go out alone at night, something unthinkable in Gotland just a year ago. And behind it all were the Gotlanders new friends, the immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa who all seemed to be fit, healthy and rather cocksure and assertive young men in their twenties and thirties.

Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be released since because no force had been used it could not be established with certainty that what had happened was rape.

This at last aroused the ancient Viking genes in the Gotlanders. An angry mob surrounded the police station in Visby threatening the safety of the suspected rapists and a breakaway group headed off to the prosecutors home and threatened to deal out mob justice to him. The police quickly smuggled the suspects out of Gotland and onto mainland Sweden and put police protection on the prosecutor and others involved in the case. But feeling are running high in the once peaceful Island. The Gotlanders, after a summer of muggings, robberies, sexual assaults and rapes have had enough of the immigrant enrichment they were promised and are looking for revenge.

There are still hundreds of young immigrant men on the island and things are turning nasty. Now, a year after the enthusiastic decision to enrich Gotland with immigrants, the Island is in chaos and the first detachments of police Special forces are arriving in Visby:


Gotland is like Sweden in a microcosm and things are also looking very grim on mainland Sweden.
Paul Pot
2016-10-07 18:23:46 UTC
Post by Svenne
enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions
I hear this time after time "Cultural enrichment" from the liberal
metropolitan types. Does anyone know what exactly this means or what
they expect to happen with new arrivals?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
2016-10-08 06:31:36 UTC
Post by Paul Pot
Post by Svenne
enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions
I hear this time after time "Cultural enrichment" from the liberal
metropolitan types. Does anyone know what exactly this means or what
they expect to happen with new arrivals?
ITSM that the brain-dead lefty-PC loonies who allow this to happen, are
as dangerous as anyone they might let in!
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2016-10-07 18:38:30 UTC
Post by Svenne
Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five
of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for
three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her
wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was
repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like
conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in
custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be
released since because no force had been used it could not be
established with certainty that what had happened was rape.
So, if I understand correctly, she was allegedly savagely gang-raped,
and yet there were no physical signs to indicate this? So, it's the word
of 5 men against 1 woman. Of course, in your mind, the men's word means
nothing, as they are immigrants.

I have no idea what really happened. It's impossible to tell from the
article you cited, but I can see real difficulties in proving BRD that
what took place wasn't consensual. And that's why the prosecutor
released the men. He/she had no choice.
2016-10-07 22:00:30 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five
of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for
three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her
wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was
repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like
conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in
custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be
released since because no force had been used it could not be
established with certainty that what had happened was rape.
So, if I understand correctly, she was allegedly savagely gang-raped,
and yet there were no physical signs to indicate this? So, it's the word
of 5 men against 1 woman. Of course, in your mind, the men's word means
nothing, as they are immigrants.
I have no idea what really happened. It's impossible to tell from the
article you cited, but I can see real difficulties in proving BRD that
what took place wasn't consensual. And that's why the prosecutor
released the men. He/she had no choice.
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.

Unfortunately immigrants are grossly overrepresented in rape and especially gang rape.
2016-10-08 09:43:23 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five
of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for
three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her
wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was
repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like
conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in
custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be
released since because no force had been used it could not be
established with certainty that what had happened was rape.
So, if I understand correctly, she was allegedly savagely gang-raped,
and yet there were no physical signs to indicate this? So, it's the word
of 5 men against 1 woman. Of course, in your mind, the men's word means
nothing, as they are immigrants.
I have no idea what really happened. It's impossible to tell from the
article you cited, but I can see real difficulties in proving BRD that
what took place wasn't consensual. And that's why the prosecutor
released the men. He/she had no choice.
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman was
distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid incident? Who knows?
2016-10-08 10:23:03 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman was
distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid incident? Who knows?
Swedish media are reporting what happened as rape and police are investigating a rape. The only point of contention is who did what and what kind of rape it was. Swedish law recognises different kinds of rapes, aggravated rape where violence was used or "normal" rape where there was penetration without consent (drunk or unconscious victim etc) but no violence. Since the woman in this case was disabled and wheelchair bound and could not offer resistance and the gang rapes lasted a period of three hours there is confusion over wether it should be regarded as aggravated rape. Police are still investigating.

2016-10-08 10:39:19 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when
she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to
having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman
was distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid
incident? Who knows?
Swedish media are reporting what happened as rape and police are
investigating a rape.
I read the google translation of the page you linked to. That refers
(quite correctly) to allegations of rape. It also says the investigation
is at an early stage. There is some reference to a party in a private
house? Or is that a mistranslation?
Post by Svenne
The only point of contention is who did what
and what kind of rape it was.
That's certainly not what that article says. Why would you make that up,
I wonder?
Post by Svenne
2016-10-08 11:10:25 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when
she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to
having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman
was distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid
incident? Who knows?
Swedish media are reporting what happened as rape and police are
investigating a rape.
I read the google translation of the page you linked to. That refers
(quite correctly) to allegations of rape. It also says the investigation
is at an early stage. There is some reference to a party in a private
house? Or is that a mistranslation?
Post by Svenne
The only point of contention is who did what
and what kind of rape it was.
That's certainly not what that article says. Why would you make that up,
I wonder?
Post by Svenne
Certainly not made up. I read lots of Swedish media reports and it was widely reported at the time of the suspects release that the reason they were released was because the type of crime being investigated was not regarded by the prosecutor as sufficiently violent to keep them in custody.

Original Swedish with my translations:

"Grova våldtäkten på Gotland: "Kontakt har skett" Fem personer sitter anhållna misstänkta för en grov våldtäkt."

My translation: Serious rape on Gotland: "Contact has been made" Five people detained suspected of a rape.


That a rape took place is not being questioned, just who did what and what it was they did. Apparently one of the men lured the wheelchair bound woman to his apartment then called his friends over for a protracted gang rape.

Statement by prosecutor at time of suspects release and giving his reasons for releasing them:

"Själva gärningen baseras inte på våld eller hot utan att man utnyttjat hennes speciella belägenhet."

My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or violence but on exploitation of her special situation."

2016-10-08 11:24:44 UTC
Post by Svenne
My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or violence but on exploitation of her special situation."
That sounds as though (it's alleged) she might not have been able to
give valid consent?

I have no idea about Swedish law. Maybe it's not allowed to keep people
in custody for more than a certain period for non-violent offences? In
absence of information to the contrary, the obvious assumption is that
the prosecutor knows the law and applied it correctly. Your conspiracy
idea is pretty far-fetched.

What do you think about a lynch mob descending on the public prosecutor
for doing his job?
2016-10-08 14:33:44 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or violence but on exploitation of her special situation."
That sounds as though (it's alleged) she might not have been able to
give valid consent?
That's what her lawyer said. The immigrants were taking it in turn to rape her over a period of hours and because of her condition she was unable to physically resist. She did say she kept saying "No."
Post by GB
I have no idea about Swedish law. Maybe it's not allowed to keep people
in custody for more than a certain period for non-violent offences? In
absence of information to the contrary, the obvious assumption is that
the prosecutor knows the law and applied it correctly. Your conspiracy
idea is pretty far-fetched.
I don't have a conspiracy theory. I've merely reported what is being said by many angry Gotlanders.
Post by GB
What do you think about a lynch mob descending on the public prosecutor
for doing his job?
It is absolutely unacceptable to go to an officials home and threaten them. If anyone disagrees with what a prosecutor or any public official has said and done in the course of their duties then do it with words in a free discussion in the media. The police are investigating the mob descending on the prosecutors home and prosecutions may follow.
2016-10-09 06:07:34 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or violence but on exploitation of her special situation."
That sounds as though (it's alleged) she might not have been able to
give valid consent?
That's what her lawyer said. The immigrants were taking it in turn to rape her over a period of hours and because of her condition she was unable to physically resist. She did say she kept saying "No."
Post by GB
I have no idea about Swedish law. Maybe it's not allowed to keep people
in custody for more than a certain period for non-violent offences? In
absence of information to the contrary, the obvious assumption is that
the prosecutor knows the law and applied it correctly. Your conspiracy
idea is pretty far-fetched.
I don't have a conspiracy theory. I've merely reported what is being said by many angry Gotlanders.
Post by GB
What do you think about a lynch mob descending on the public prosecutor
for doing his job?
It is absolutely unacceptable to go to an officials home and threaten them. If anyone disagrees with what a prosecutor or any public official has said and done in the course of their duties then do it with words in a free discussion in the media. The police are investigating the mob descending on the prosecutors home and prosecutions may follow.
But what if the government has a plan to destroy the Swedish nation?
The official is part of the plan clearly.
2016-10-09 06:24:22 UTC
Post by harry
But what if the government has a plan to destroy the Swedish nation?
The official is part of the plan clearly.
I've heard such suggestions before, but no-one can ever answer the
question as to *why* any government would want to do that?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2016-10-09 06:47:46 UTC
Post by Vidcapper
Post by harry
But what if the government has a plan to destroy the Swedish nation?
The official is part of the plan clearly.
I've heard such suggestions before, but no-one can ever answer the
question as to *why* any government would want to do that?
In the UK they were in league with/financed by Moscow in the past.
Eg British Leyland/Dockers/socialists.

Merkel is one clearly. Working to destroy Germany.
The Ex-Soviet countries have rumbled the plan.
They KNOW from recent experience of the USSR.

Conspiracy theory.
Could be Putin's plan to get others to destroy the West for him.
Merkel is from East Germany. Implementing the plan.
2016-10-09 15:37:28 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or
violence but on exploitation of her special situation."
That sounds as though (it's alleged) she might not have been able
to give valid consent?
That's what her lawyer said. The immigrants were taking it in turn to
rape her over a period of hours and because of her condition she was
unable to physically resist. She did say she kept saying "No."
Actually, that's not what I meant, but never mind. Clearly, if she
indeed said no but they continued with intercourse, that was
unequivocally rape. Her inability to fend them off is irrelevant.

The difficulty in prosecuting is that the men presumably say that she
said yes. There have been cases in the UK where women have alleged rape
but there's been evidence proving it definitely wasn't.

So, of course the police need to continue investigating. And there are
rules about whether the suspects are held in custody whilst they do
that. I really don't see what the problem is.

Unless, of course, you think that the word of one white woman trumps
five migrants? But this is Sweden in 2016, not Alabama in the 1930s.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I have no idea about Swedish law. Maybe it's not allowed to keep
people in custody for more than a certain period for non-violent
offences? In absence of information to the contrary, the obvious
assumption is that the prosecutor knows the law and applied it
correctly. Your conspiracy idea is pretty far-fetched.
I don't have a conspiracy theory. I've merely reported what is being
said by many angry Gotlanders.
"It is very "sensitive" since the suspects are a group of immigrant men
and perhaps the authorities hope that by releasing the men they will
leave the country and the problem will go away."

Why did you say that? It certainly sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
What do you think about a lynch mob descending on the public
prosecutor for doing his job?
It is absolutely unacceptable to go to an officials home and threaten
them. If anyone disagrees with what a prosecutor or any public
official has said and done in the course of their duties then do it
with words in a free discussion in the media. The police are
investigating the mob descending on the prosecutors home and
prosecutions may follow.
2016-10-09 15:43:53 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or
violence but on exploitation of her special situation."
That sounds as though (it's alleged) she might not have been able
to give valid consent?
That's what her lawyer said. The immigrants were taking it in turn to
rape her over a period of hours and because of her condition she was
unable to physically resist. She did say she kept saying "No."
Actually, that's not what I meant, but never mind. Clearly, if she
indeed said no but they continued with intercourse, that was
unequivocally rape. Her inability to fend them off is irrelevant.
The difficulty in prosecuting is that the men presumably say that she
said yes. There have been cases in the UK where women have alleged rape
but there's been evidence proving it definitely wasn't.
So, of course the police need to continue investigating. And there are
rules about whether the suspects are held in custody whilst they do
that. I really don't see what the problem is.
Unless, of course, you think that the word of one white woman trumps
five migrants? But this is Sweden in 2016, not Alabama in the 1930s.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I have no idea about Swedish law. Maybe it's not allowed to keep
people in custody for more than a certain period for non-violent
offences? In absence of information to the contrary, the obvious
assumption is that the prosecutor knows the law and applied it
correctly. Your conspiracy idea is pretty far-fetched.
I don't have a conspiracy theory. I've merely reported what is being
said by many angry Gotlanders.
"It is very "sensitive" since the suspects are a group of immigrant men
and perhaps the authorities hope that by releasing the men they will
leave the country and the problem will go away."
Why did you say that? It certainly sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
It might sound like a conspiracy theory to you, but it's what a lot of Gotlanders are saying and it is one of the driving forces behind the unrest. It might even be true, which is why I used the word "perhaps."
2016-10-08 13:50:00 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when
she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to
having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman
was distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid
incident? Who knows?
Swedish media are reporting what happened as rape and police are
investigating a rape.
I read the google translation of the page you linked to. That refers
(quite correctly) to allegations of rape. It also says the investigation
is at an early stage. There is some reference to a party in a private
house? Or is that a mistranslation?
Post by Svenne
The only point of contention is who did what
and what kind of rape it was.
That's certainly not what that article says. Why would you make that up,
I wonder?
Post by Svenne
Certainly not made up. I read lots of Swedish media reports and it was
widely reported at the time of the suspects release that the reason they
were released was because the type of crime being investigated was not
regarded by the prosecutor as sufficiently violent to keep them in custody.

Original Swedish with my translations:

"Grova våldtäkten på Gotland: "Kontakt har skett" Fem personer sitter
anhållna misstänkta för en grov våldtäkt."

My translation: Serious rape on Gotland: "Contact has been made" Five people
detained suspected of a rape.


That a rape took place is not being questioned, just who did what and what
it was they did. Apparently one of the men lured the wheelchair bound woman
to his apartment then called his friends over for a protracted gang rape.

Statement by prosecutor at time of suspects release and giving his reasons
for releasing them:

"Själva gärningen baseras inte på våld eller hot utan att man utnyttjat
hennes speciella belägenhet."

My translation: The actual act was not based on threats or violence but on
exploitation of her special situation."



Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless of
the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will always
be racist.
2016-10-08 13:56:38 UTC
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
2016-10-08 14:08:18 UTC
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.


Helpful or not it is the truth.
2016-10-09 15:15:03 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
Helpful or not it is the truth.
What is the truth? That Gotlanders hunted down a public prosecutor for
doing his job?

The idea that migrants are never in the wrong is as obviously stupid as
your view that they always are.

I'm not excusing the migrants, but simply asking Svenne for his evidence.

I know that this is a difficult concept for you, Ophelia, but try to pay
attention: rational people base their views on evidence, rather than
jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and stereotypes.
2016-10-09 15:37:47 UTC
Post by GB
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
Helpful or not it is the truth.
What is the truth? That Gotlanders hunted down a public prosecutor for
doing his job?
The idea that migrants are never in the wrong is as obviously stupid as
your view that they always are.
I'm not excusing the migrants, but simply asking Svenne for his evidence.
I know that this is a difficult concept for you, Ophelia, but try to pay
attention: rational people base their views on evidence, rather than
jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and stereotypes.
What I have done is report what has been reported in Swedish media. Take it or leave it, but what I have written is being reported by the media in Sweden.
2016-10-09 16:13:07 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
Helpful or not it is the truth.
What is the truth? That Gotlanders hunted down a public prosecutor for
doing his job?

The idea that migrants are never in the wrong is as obviously stupid as
your view that they always are.

I'm not excusing the migrants, but simply asking Svenne for his evidence.

I know that this is a difficult concept for you, Ophelia, but try to pay
attention: rational people base their views on evidence, rather than
jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and stereotypes.

Thank you for sharing your arrogant views. Now it is time for *you* to pay
attention rather than jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and

My comments were based on evidence and were referring to your behaviour in
general, not necessarily only with regard to Gotland.

I stand by what I said. I suspect that is a difficult concept for you to
understand, but do try harder.
2016-10-09 17:20:25 UTC
Post by GB
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
Helpful or not it is the truth.
What is the truth? That Gotlanders hunted down a public prosecutor for
doing his job?
The idea that migrants are never in the wrong is as obviously stupid as
your view that they always are.
I'm not excusing the migrants, but simply asking Svenne for his evidence.
I know that this is a difficult concept for you, Ophelia, but try to pay
attention: rational people base their views on evidence, rather than
jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and stereotypes.
Thank you for sharing your arrogant views. Now it is time for *you* to pay
attention rather than jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and
I'm paying attention, waiting for your evidence, Ophelia.
Post by GB
My comments were based on evidence and were referring to your behaviour in
general, not necessarily only with regard to Gotland.
Ah no, it's not evidence at all, just your stereotype of me. Thanks for
making my point for me so well.

Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
2016-10-09 17:38:07 UTC
Post by GB
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
Helpful or not it is the truth.
What is the truth? That Gotlanders hunted down a public prosecutor for
doing his job?
The idea that migrants are never in the wrong is as obviously stupid as
your view that they always are.
I'm not excusing the migrants, but simply asking Svenne for his evidence.
I know that this is a difficult concept for you, Ophelia, but try to pay
attention: rational people base their views on evidence, rather than
jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and stereotypes.
Thank you for sharing your arrogant views. Now it is time for *you* to pay
attention rather than jumping to conclusions based on prejudices and
I'm paying attention, waiting for your evidence, Ophelia.
Post by GB
My comments were based on evidence and were referring to your behaviour in
general, not necessarily only with regard to Gotland.
Ah no, it's not evidence at all, just your stereotype of me. Thanks for
making my point for me so well.

Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.


I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))

I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
2016-10-09 17:49:44 UTC
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
2016-10-09 18:07:34 UTC
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.


I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
2016-10-09 18:26:41 UTC
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
2016-10-09 18:29:03 UTC
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.


So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his shoulder
about the Brits.
2016-10-09 18:34:57 UTC
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
Because he lives in Tottenham and can't afford to live up in Finchley.
2016-10-09 18:38:24 UTC
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
Because he lives in Tottenham and can't afford to live up in Finchley.


LOL you got me with that one:) I don't know either but I take your point:))
2016-10-09 19:12:08 UTC
Post by Sid
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is nevertt
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
Because he lives in Tottenham and can't afford to live up in Finchley.
LOL you got me with that one:) I don't know either but I take your point:))
Tottenham is a dump. and Finchley is where all the jewish people live.
Mr Pounder Esquire
2016-10-09 19:09:55 UTC
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is
never wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
If I remember correctly, this is the guy who was moaning about a job
interview being inconvenient due to his Jewish religious obligations?
He has always had his head stuck up his bum regarding Muslims. Bit of a
2016-10-09 19:12:36 UTC
Post by Mr Pounder Esquire
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is
never wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
If I remember correctly, this is the guy who was moaning about a job
interview being inconvenient due to his Jewish religious obligations?
He has always had his head stuck up his bum regarding Muslims. Bit of a
Not a bit , a full on dipshit.
2016-10-09 20:34:32 UTC
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
My parents were both migrants. If they hadn't left Nazi Germany, they'd
have been killed. My parents were very well treated by the people of
this country, I am pleased to say.
Post by Sid
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
I have never hidden that I am Jewish.

Let's get this right. I love most Brits. I have a loathing for racist
scum, such as seem to congregate on this newsgroup, though.
2016-10-10 06:23:59 UTC
Post by GB
I have never hidden that I am Jewish.
Let's get this right. I love most Brits. I have a loathing for racist
scum, such as seem to congregate on this newsgroup, though.
I don't deny there are racists on this newsgroup, but the line between
out & out prejudice, and genuine concern over diminishing resources is a
rather blurred one.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2016-10-10 09:24:42 UTC
Post by Vidcapper
Post by GB
I have never hidden that I am Jewish.
Let's get this right. I love most Brits. I have a loathing for racist
scum, such as seem to congregate on this newsgroup, though.
I don't deny there are racists on this newsgroup, but the line between
out & out prejudice, and genuine concern over diminishing resources is a
rather blurred one.
I have sympathy with the concern over resources, but that doesn't
justify characterising all muslims as rapists, for example. It's just
bizarre, and somebody has to say something.
2016-10-10 15:18:18 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Vidcapper
Post by GB
I have never hidden that I am Jewish.
Let's get this right. I love most Brits. I have a loathing for racist
scum, such as seem to congregate on this newsgroup, though.
I don't deny there are racists on this newsgroup, but the line between
out & out prejudice, and genuine concern over diminishing resources is a
rather blurred one.
I have sympathy with the concern over resources, but that doesn't
justify characterising all muslims as rapists, for example. It's just
bizarre, and somebody has to say something.
Their cult book advocates rape.
They have chosen to follow its edicts.
Why do you think muslims are/were abducting and raping girls in many UK cities?


Are you reading thes links or have you still got your head up your arse?
2016-10-10 07:18:31 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Sid
Post by GB
Post by GB
Give us three examples of my "behaviour" that you are referring to.
I am afraid you will just have to live with it:))
I just can't be bothered with your games:)))
That's your standard reaction when your prejudices are challenged, Ophelia.
I repeat and will continue to do so, that to you, any immigrant is never
wrong and anyone who challenges that is Racist!
Because GG IS an immigrant thats why it keeps defending the undefendable.
My parents were both migrants. If they hadn't left Nazi Germany, they'd
have been killed. My parents were very well treated by the people of
this country, I am pleased to say.
Post by Sid
So far as I am aware, he is Jewish. He has one helluva chip on his
shoulder about the Brits.
I have never hidden that I am Jewish.
Let's get this right. I love most Brits. I have a loathing for racist
scum, such as seem to congregate on this newsgroup, though.
It's not racist to hate people who want to kill you.
You especially they want to kill.
You really are a dickhead if you don't realise this.
2016-10-09 06:09:16 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless
of the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will
always be racist.
That's a very helpful comment, Ophelia.
It's very true though.
You live in denial of the facts you can see/reported on MSM.
A typical socialist, living in Lala Land.
Brain dead.
2016-10-08 14:47:03 UTC
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless of
the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will always
be racist.
It's certainly true that trying to discuss certain things with the politically correct can be a bizarre experience. I've discussed religion with rabidly religion hating atheist left wingers and communists and their venom really flows, but as soon as Islam is mentioned they become fawning apologists for the teachings of Muhammed and do their best do defend them. Truly amazing.
2016-10-08 15:20:24 UTC
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless of
the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will always
be racist.
It's certainly true that trying to discuss certain things with the
politically correct can be a bizarre experience. I've discussed religion
with rabidly religion hating atheist left wingers and communists and their
venom really flows, but as soon as Islam is mentioned they become fawning
apologists for the teachings of Muhammed and do their best do defend them.
Truly amazing.


Unfortunate and it is quite prevalent these days. I commend you for your
2016-10-09 06:12:21 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by Ophelia
Svenne, you are wasting your time trying to discuss with GB. Regardless of
the facts or otherwise, migrants are never in the wrong and you will always
be racist.
It's certainly true that trying to discuss certain things with the politically correct can be a bizarre experience. I've discussed religion with rabidly religion hating atheist left wingers and communists and their venom really flows, but as soon as Islam is mentioned they become fawning apologists for the teachings of Muhammed and do their best do defend them. Truly amazing.
Yup, that is amazing.
Also, where are the femonazis?
You'd think they'd be up in arms over Islam's view on women.
But no, they have this amazing degree of doublethink and hypocrisy.
They must be some kind of socialist.
2016-10-09 06:05:28 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
The woman had minor injuries and was in a distressed state when
she arrived at the police station. One of the men admitted to
having sex with her but claimed it was consensual.
Or, in this case, possibly consensual sex. The fact that the woman
was distressed may have been remorse over the whole sordid
incident? Who knows?
Swedish media are reporting what happened as rape and police are
investigating a rape.
I read the google translation of the page you linked to. That refers
(quite correctly) to allegations of rape. It also says the investigation
is at an early stage. There is some reference to a party in a private
house? Or is that a mistranslation?
Post by Svenne
The only point of contention is who did what
and what kind of rape it was.
That's certainly not what that article says. Why would you make that up,
I wonder?
Post by Svenne
Another person in denial.
Does it not tie in with your cosy socialist Lala Land?
The Todal
2016-10-10 08:11:56 UTC
Post by Svenne
Unfortunately immigrants are grossly overrepresented in rape and especially gang rape.
Please now provide your statistics.

What may be happening is that the gutter press chooses to publicise
every instance of sexual assault committed by an immigrant, and finds
the usual sexual assaults committed by the indigenous population too
boring to mention.
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-10 09:37:48 UTC
Post by The Todal
Post by Svenne
Unfortunately immigrants are grossly overrepresented in rape and especially gang rape.
Please now provide your statistics.
What may be happening is that the gutter press chooses to publicise
every instance of sexual assault committed by an immigrant, and finds
the usual sexual assaults committed by the indigenous population too
boring to mention.

Can you explain why Sweden has a population increase
of 5% and reported rape increase of 700%.

Does it not suggest that migrants have a propensity
to rape?

The police in this country are being told that when
an alleged victim reports rape they are believed.
So why don't we believe the victims claimed assault
by 5 men. Perhaps they may have recorded it on their
phone and from that the truth will be exposed.
2016-10-10 09:51:23 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
The police in this country are being told that when
an alleged victim reports rape they are believed.
That's a gross over-simplification of police procedures.
Post by Richard McKenzie
So why don't we believe the victims claimed assault
by 5 men.
Do you propose that 5 men who say this was consensual should never be
believed? Presumably, on the grounds that the lady is white, and the men
are not?
Post by Richard McKenzie
Perhaps they may have recorded it on their
phone and from that the truth will be exposed.
Don't you think the swedish police are perfectly capable of
investigating this crime without some pointers from you?
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-10 10:16:38 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
The police in this country are being told that when
an alleged victim reports rape they are believed.
That's a gross over-simplification of police procedures.
Post by Richard McKenzie
So why don't we believe the victims claimed assault
by 5 men.
Do you propose that 5 men who say this was consensual should never be
believed? Presumably, on the grounds that the lady is white, and the men
are not?
You propose that they could be innocent and you are correct
that is a possibility. But it is also possible perhaps more
so that she is a victim. Unless she has a history of
promiscuity I would find it difficult to digest that she
willingly engage in sex not with two men or three or four
but five.

As I said perhaps they recorded it on their phone, perhaps
it was a hookup on grinder.
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Perhaps they may have recorded it on their
phone and from that the truth will be exposed.
Don't you think the swedish police are perfectly capable of
investigating this crime without some pointers from you?
There are some dumb cops my cousin's garage was broken into
they left a hat. The police did not take it evidence.
2016-10-10 10:22:34 UTC
Post by Svenne
it was a hookup on grinder.
That puts a whole new angle on the matter.
The Todal
2016-10-10 15:47:47 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by The Todal
Post by Svenne
Unfortunately immigrants are grossly overrepresented in rape and especially gang rape.
Please now provide your statistics.
What may be happening is that the gutter press chooses to publicise
every instance of sexual assault committed by an immigrant, and finds
the usual sexual assaults committed by the indigenous population too
boring to mention.
Can you explain why Sweden has a population increase
of 5% and reported rape increase of 700%.
Show me the official statistics.
Post by Richard McKenzie
Does it not suggest that migrants have a propensity
to rape?
No, of course it doesn't. In the UK, if the number of rapes was
increasing and simultaneously the number of clinically obese people was
increasing, it wouldn't follow that most fat people have a propensity to
Post by Richard McKenzie
The police in this country are being told that when
an alleged victim reports rape they are believed.
So why don't we believe the victims claimed assault
by 5 men. Perhaps they may have recorded it on their
phone and from that the truth will be exposed.
I don't know why you don't believe the victims. I'm willing to.
2016-10-10 18:49:11 UTC
Post by The Todal
Post by Richard McKenzie
Can you explain why Sweden has a population increase
of 5% and reported rape increase of 700%.
Show me the official statistics.
Figures from the Swedish Crime Prevention Agency show that reported rapes in Sweden have risen from just over 500 per year in 1976 to over 4000 per year in 2011. Swedish men must have become very randy in that time period. Of course the rise does also coincide with the descision of the Swedish Parliament in 1975, by a unanimous vote, that Sweden should become a multicultural society and mass immigration to Sweden started:


The newspaper does take comfort from the fact that rapes actually decreased during the first quarter of 2012 to 4299 from a total of 4921 in 2011. The percentually tiny decrease was higher than the full total for 1976.

The paper reports:

"Fewer rapes were reported in the first three quarters of this year compared with the same period last year, according to preliminary statistics from the National Crime Prevention Agency (BRA). Therefore 2012 looks like a break in the trend observed for the rest of the 2000's, when the number of reported rapes increased significantly year after year." (my translation)
2016-10-10 12:21:45 UTC
Post by The Todal
Post by Svenne
Unfortunately immigrants are grossly overrepresented in rape and especially gang rape.
Please now provide your statistics.
What may be happening is that the gutter press chooses to publicise
every instance of sexual assault committed by an immigrant, and finds
the usual sexual assaults committed by the indigenous population too
boring to mention.
I'm writing about Scandinavia where statistics clearly show an over representation of immigrants in crime of all types with a special over representation of immigrants from certain geographic areas (Middle East, North Africa) in sex crime. Strangely there is an under representation of immigrants in crime of all types from other geographic areas (China, Korea, Vietnam).
I can't speak for the UK, maybe you Brits are lucky and manage to get just immigrants who fall within the mean for crime.

Here's some links, since I am primarily concerned with Scandinavia I just have links in Swedish:

"Young men from the Middle East are heavily over represented in official rape statistics." (my translation)

Unga män från Mellanöstern är kraftigt överrepresenterade i den officiella våldtäktsstatistiken.


"Countries of origin with the highest percentage of offenders were Morocco (18.1), Iran (18.4) Somalia (21.98) and Iraq (23.6) (my translation)

Ursprungsländer med högst procentandel gärningsmän var Marocko (18,1), Iran (19,4), Somalia (21,8) och Irak (23,6 procent).

2016-10-10 12:57:55 UTC
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-10 13:18:31 UTC
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
As I recall in the Guardian when it first came out
with the story of immigration and rape it obtained
figures from the Swedish government.

I believe historically Sweden were the first government
to introduce statistic when looking at its demographics
of its people.
2016-10-10 15:20:59 UTC
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Do you think they'd publish them even if collected?
Nothing was done about child abduction by musslims for decades
2016-10-10 15:30:29 UTC
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Yes, Brottsförebygganderåd (crime prevention authority) referred to in the Svenska Dagbladet article I linked to from where information for the artcle was taken along with similar agencies in Norway.
2016-10-11 09:39:39 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Yes, Brottsförebygganderåd (crime prevention authority) referred to in the Svenska Dagbladet article I linked to from where information for the artcle was taken along with similar agencies in Norway.
I'd expect you to link to the relevant stats in the Crime Prevention
Agency, then.
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-11 10:33:38 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Yes, Brottsförebygganderåd (crime prevention authority) referred to in the Svenska Dagbladet article I linked to from where information for the artcle was taken along with similar agencies in Norway.
I'd expect you to link to the relevant stats in the Crime Prevention
Agency, then.
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?

In places throughout the world rape is rife. In South Africa a black
woman is more likely to be raped that to learn to read. Migration from
such places with their culture and mentality are going to increase
such crimes. Until they leave their religion and believes and are
educated at the point of entry into a country the issue will never
be fully addressed.
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-11 10:34:48 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
In the UK, we have a government statistical office. Don't you have that
in Sweden?
Yes, Brottsförebygganderåd (crime prevention authority) referred to in the Svenska Dagbladet article I linked to from where information for the artcle was taken along with similar agencies in Norway.
I'd expect you to link to the relevant stats in the Crime Prevention
Agency, then.
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
In places throughout the world rape is rife. In South Africa a black
woman is more likely to be raped that to learn to read. Migration from
such places with their culture and mentality are going to increase
such crimes. Until they leave their religion and believes and are
educated at the point of entry into a country the issue will never
be fully addressed.
2016-10-11 10:42:43 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-11 11:05:50 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Given that the Swedes now classify migrant males
along with their indigenous population as Swedish males
it will be impossible to pacify you with an answer.

Do you not concede that mass migration brings cultural
2016-10-11 11:22:18 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Given that the Swedes now classify migrant males
along with their indigenous population as Swedish males
it will be impossible to pacify you with an answer.
But the absence of evidence doesn't stop you drawing conclusions? How
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you not concede that mass migration brings cultural
I'll happily concede anything for which there is objective evidence.

By the way, anybody who thinks they can prove anything purely from
correlations should have a look at this amusing website:
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-11 11:39:34 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Given that the Swedes now classify migrant males
along with their indigenous population as Swedish males
it will be impossible to pacify you with an answer.
But the absence of evidence doesn't stop you drawing conclusions? How
Its reasoning. Are you telling me that your opinions and views or your
dietary likes and dislike will dramatically change if you moved to say
another country. It may change slightly but not dramatically?

I assume you believe in equality if you were to go to Saudi Arabia
would you feel more inclined to accept their view that a woman
is subservient to a ma

Of course you are welcome to provide evidence proving your
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you not concede that mass migration brings cultural
I'll happily concede anything for which there is objective evidence.
By the way, anybody who thinks they can prove anything purely from
You have provided a straw man argument.
2016-10-11 12:14:44 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Given that the Swedes now classify migrant males
along with their indigenous population as Swedish males
it will be impossible to pacify you with an answer.
But the absence of evidence doesn't stop you drawing conclusions? How
Its reasoning. Are you telling me that your opinions and views or your
dietary likes and dislike will dramatically change if you moved to say
another country. It may change slightly but not dramatically?
It's a bit of a jump. You start in South Africa, with some story about
black women being more likely to be raped than able to read. Without any
evidence for that. You just stated it, so we all have to believe it's
true. Do you have any evidence? Then you move on to diets.

And from that you think you can prove that immigrants from a different
part of the world are rapists, one and all.
Post by Richard McKenzie
Of course you are welcome to provide evidence proving your
I don't have an hypothesis to prove.
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you not concede that mass migration brings cultural
I'll happily concede anything for which there is objective evidence.
By the way, anybody who thinks they can prove anything purely from
You have provided a straw man argument.
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-11 12:34:33 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
Given that the Swedes now classify migrant males
along with their indigenous population as Swedish males
it will be impossible to pacify you with an answer.
But the absence of evidence doesn't stop you drawing conclusions? How
Its reasoning. Are you telling me that your opinions and views or your
dietary likes and dislike will dramatically change if you moved to say
another country. It may change slightly but not dramatically?
It's a bit of a jump. You start in South Africa, with some story about
black women being more likely to be raped than able to read. Without any
evidence for that. You just stated it, so we all have to believe it's
true. Do you have any evidence? Then you move on to diets.
And from that you think you can prove that immigrants from a different
part of the world are rapists, one and all.
Post by Richard McKenzie
Of course you are welcome to provide evidence proving your
I don't have an hypothesis to prove.
Post by Richard McKenzie
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you not concede that mass migration brings cultural
I'll happily concede anything for which there is objective evidence.
By the way, anybody who thinks they can prove anything purely from
You have provided a straw man argument.
I got the stat from two documentaries I seen.

But a quick google.

" and one in four men surveyed by the Medical Research Council admitted committing rape"


Do you think that men migrating from South Africa are
stuck by a blinding light that liberates them from
the notion or habitual impulse to commit crime?

Praise the lord

No people take with them their perception of
what is right and what is wrong.
2016-10-11 16:11:38 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
Do you perceive that the propensity to rape within the indigenous
population to be the same when compared to same population including
mass migration ?
I don't think "perceive" is the right question. What are the stats/evidence?
A prick like you would deny any evidence put in front of you.
2016-10-11 13:46:34 UTC
Post by GB
Yes, Brottsförebygganderåd (crime prevention authority) referred to in the Svenska Dagbladet article I linked to from where information for the artcle was > >taken along with similar agencies in Norway.
I'd expect you to link to the relevant stats in the Crime Prevention
Agency, then.
"The table shows that foreign-born persons present a particularly high risk for serious crimes such as lethal violence, rape and robbery. foreign-born persons are about four times more likely to be registered for such a crime than those born in Sweden to two Swedish born parents." (my translation)

"Av tabellen framgår att de utrikes födda har särskilt höga överrisker när det
gäller allvarliga brott som dödligt våld, våldtäkt och rån. Bland de utrikes födda är det ungefär fyra gånger vanligare att vara registrerad för ett sådant brott än vad det är bland dem som är födda i Sverige av två svenskfödda föräldrar."


The figures are all there in the official report from the Crime Prevention Agency.

Your theory that crime rates do not vary according to geographical origins or culture finds no support in research and in fact the opposite has been established. And the variations are great.
2016-10-11 14:11:46 UTC
On 11/10/2016 14:46, Svenne wrote:

I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at.

that crime rates do not vary according to geographical
Post by Svenne
origins or culture finds no support in research and in fact the
opposite has been established. And the variations are great.
2016-10-11 16:13:29 UTC
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
You would say that wouldn't you.
2016-10-11 16:15:52 UTC
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
2016-10-11 16:42:44 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Okay, I'm back. All I can see is that you have quoted a single sentence
from a 77 page report, and that report is from 2005. I have no means of
translating the whole report, so I can't see that sentence in context.
Have the figures been adjusted for social class or income, for example?
Where are the tables of data?

What period does the study cover? Were there even many muslim migrants
in Sweden at the time? Or the foreigners you quoted abiout are some
completely different group?

If you think that's "I've presented official figures", you really don't
have a very rigorous approach.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
Reported opinions.
2016-10-11 18:45:25 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Okay, I'm back. All I can see is that you have quoted a single sentence
from a 77 page report, and that report is from 2005. I have no means of
translating the whole report, so I can't see that sentence in context.
Have the figures been adjusted for social class or income, for example?
Where are the tables of data?

What period does the study cover? Were there even many muslim migrants
in Sweden at the time? Or the foreigners you quoted abiout are some
completely different group?

If you think that's "I've presented official figures", you really don't
have a very rigorous approach.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
Reported opinions.

2016-10-12 05:45:06 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Okay, I'm back. All I can see is that you have quoted a single sentence
from a 77 page report, and that report is from 2005. I have no means of
translating the whole report, so I can't see that sentence in context.
Have the figures been adjusted for social class or income, for example?
Where are the tables of data?
What period does the study cover? Were there even many muslim migrants
in Sweden at the time? Or the foreigners you quoted abiout are some
completely different group?
If you think that's "I've presented official figures", you really don't
have a very rigorous approach.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
Reported opinions.
Yo really are full of socialist shit.
Full blooded Corbyn supporter I 'spect.
Paul Cummins
2016-10-12 08:32:00 UTC
Post by harry
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
Reported opinions.
Yo really are full of socialist shit.
PLay the man, not the ball, and demonstrate that you can't make a cogent
argument to support your position.

Surprise, surprise...
Paul Cummins - Always a NetHead
Wasting Bandwidth since 1981
Please Help us dispose of unwanted virtual currency:
Bitcoin: 1LzAJBqzoaEudhsZ14W7YrdYSmLZ5m1seZ
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-12 08:07:06 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Okay, I'm back. All I can see is that you have quoted a single sentence
from a 77 page report, and that report is from 2005. I have no means of
translating the whole report, so I can't see that sentence in context.
Have the figures been adjusted for social class or income, for example?
Where are the tables of data?
What period does the study cover? Were there even many muslim migrants
in Sweden at the time? Or the foreigners you quoted abiout are some
completely different group?
If you think that's "I've presented official figures", you really don't
have a very rigorous approach.
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.
Reported opinions.
You ask for evidence of Swedish stats then you complain
that its in Swedish.
2016-10-12 08:49:16 UTC
Post by Richard McKenzie
You ask for evidence of Swedish stats then you complain
that its in Swedish.

It's not as strange as it might appear, actually. The BRA publish a lot
of their stuff in English. These are their current findings on sex
crimes, for example.


In English. No mention of the point that Svenne made, but they do refer
to persons born abroad as being more likely to be victims, as follows:

"Victimisation of different groups in respect of sex offences
As is the case for the majority of other offences against the person,
exposure to sex offences appears to be more common in certain groups of
the population. Single persons with or without children are exposed to a
greater extent than persons living in a couple with or without children
(2.0% and 1.8%, respectively, as compared with 0.3% and 0.6%,
respectively). Persons with not more than a compulsory level of
education are also more exposed than persons with an upper secondary
level of education or post-upper secondary level of education (1.3% as
compared with 0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). Residents of multiple
dwelling blocks are exposed to a greater extent than residents of
detached or semi-detached dwellings (1.5% as compared with 0.6%).
Exposure to sex offences is more common among persons living in major
metropolitan regions (1.2%) as compared with those who live in small
towns or in rural areas (0.8%). *The percentage of persons exposed to
sex offences is higher among persons born in Sweden with two parents
born abroad (1.4%) than persons born abroad and persons born in Sweden
with at least one parent born in Sweden (0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). *

Statistical analyses show that when one corrects for the effect of other
background factors, such as age and gender, the difference in exposure
for sex offences in groups with different levels of education
disappears. However, the difference between various family
constellations remains."

That's quite a lot to follow (particularly if you're Ophelia), but it's
important to read things in context.

I've managed to get the 2005 tome translated by Google, and I'll try to
find the snippet Svenne quoted in context, so we can see what it's all
2016-10-12 12:34:24 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
You ask for evidence of Swedish stats then you complain
that its in Swedish.
It's not as strange as it might appear, actually. The BRA publish a lot
of their stuff in English. These are their current findings on sex
crimes, for example.
In English. No mention of the point that Svenne made, but they do refer
"Victimisation of different groups in respect of sex offences
As is the case for the majority of other offences against the person,
exposure to sex offences appears to be more common in certain groups of
the population. Single persons with or without children are exposed to a
greater extent than persons living in a couple with or without children
(2.0% and 1.8%, respectively, as compared with 0.3% and 0.6%,
respectively). Persons with not more than a compulsory level of
education are also more exposed than persons with an upper secondary
level of education or post-upper secondary level of education (1.3% as
compared with 0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). Residents of multiple
dwelling blocks are exposed to a greater extent than residents of
detached or semi-detached dwellings (1.5% as compared with 0.6%).
Exposure to sex offences is more common among persons living in major
metropolitan regions (1.2%) as compared with those who live in small
towns or in rural areas (0.8%). *The percentage of persons exposed to
sex offences is higher among persons born in Sweden with two parents
born abroad (1.4%) than persons born abroad and persons born in Sweden
with at least one parent born in Sweden (0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). *
Statistical analyses show that when one corrects for the effect of other
background factors, such as age and gender, the difference in exposure
for sex offences in groups with different levels of education
disappears. However, the difference between various family
constellations remains."
That's quite a lot to follow (particularly if you're Ophelia), but it's
important to read things in context.
I've managed to get the 2005 tome translated by Google, and I'll try to
find the snippet Svenne quoted in context, so we can see what it's all
Good look in getting the report to say what you want it to say instead of what it really says. You will find the bit I quoted on page 34.

I'll be folowing your progress. Have fun.
Richard McKenzie
2016-10-12 13:47:17 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Richard McKenzie
You ask for evidence of Swedish stats then you complain
that its in Swedish.
It's not as strange as it might appear, actually. The BRA publish a lot
of their stuff in English. These are their current findings on sex
crimes, for example.
In English. No mention of the point that Svenne made, but they do refer
"Victimisation of different groups in respect of sex offences
As is the case for the majority of other offences against the person,
exposure to sex offences appears to be more common in certain groups of
the population. Single persons with or without children are exposed to a
greater extent than persons living in a couple with or without children
(2.0% and 1.8%, respectively, as compared with 0.3% and 0.6%,
respectively). Persons with not more than a compulsory level of
education are also more exposed than persons with an upper secondary
level of education or post-upper secondary level of education (1.3% as
compared with 0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). Residents of multiple
dwelling blocks are exposed to a greater extent than residents of
detached or semi-detached dwellings (1.5% as compared with 0.6%).
Exposure to sex offences is more common among persons living in major
metropolitan regions (1.2%) as compared with those who live in small
towns or in rural areas (0.8%). *The percentage of persons exposed to
sex offences is higher among persons born in Sweden with two parents
born abroad (1.4%) than persons born abroad and persons born in Sweden
with at least one parent born in Sweden (0.9% and 1.0%, respectively). *
Statistical analyses show that when one corrects for the effect of other
background factors, such as age and gender, the difference in exposure
for sex offences in groups with different levels of education
disappears. However, the difference between various family
constellations remains."
That's quite a lot to follow (particularly if you're Ophelia), but it's
important to read things in context.
I've managed to get the 2005 tome translated by Google, and I'll try to
find the snippet Svenne quoted in context, so we can see what it's all
"The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed
by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report
individuals with an immigrant background made up 53%
of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989."

Source Wiki


Do you not accept that if there is a culture of a
behaviour within a group and they migrate to another
country then they bring those attitudes with them.
You perhaps may consider yourself a liberal, if you
were to move to another country would your stance on things
change dramatically?

Just because there are no stats to support an argument
it does not mean its not valid. The anecdotal evidence
exists. Take the following story I recall reading something
similar elsewhere and the person who formed the patrol reiterated
two or three times that she did not want to point at the ethnicity
but rather express there is an issue of violence towards woman and

If the issue was an isolated issue then why did she and others
feel the need to create such a patrol?

2016-10-11 18:44:53 UTC
Post by GB
I'm busy right now, but I'll study your figures with interest later on.
I don't have any figures, I've presented official figures.
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Your theory
I don't have a theory. I asked you for proof of yours. Which I will look at
I've never presented a theory, just reported facts.


He will never accept that, you should know that by now:) Just wait for the
response ...
2016-10-08 07:11:42 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five
of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for
three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her
wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was
repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like
conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in
custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be
released since because no force had been used it could not be
established with certainty that what had happened was rape.
So, if I understand correctly, she was allegedly savagely gang-raped,
and yet there were no physical signs to indicate this? So, it's the word
of 5 men against 1 woman. Of course, in your mind, the men's word means
nothing, as they are immigrants.
I have no idea what really happened. It's impossible to tell from the
article you cited, but I can see real difficulties in proving BRD that
what took place wasn't consensual. And that's why the prosecutor
released the men. He/she had no choice.
Another excusnik, in denial.

What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
2016-10-08 08:34:30 UTC
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive" since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country and the problem will go away.
2016-10-08 10:02:09 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive" since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country and the problem will go away.
Svenne, you have already covered the point about DNA. The men admitted
that sex took place, but they say it was consensual. DNA doesn't help
determine whether it was.
2016-10-08 10:19:26 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive"
since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the
authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country
and the problem will go away.
Svenne, you have already covered the point about DNA. The men admitted
that sex took place, but they say it was consensual.
But that's what they'd say, whether it was or not...
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2016-10-08 10:27:30 UTC
Post by Vidcapper
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive"
since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the
authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country
and the problem will go away.
Svenne, you have already covered the point about DNA. The men admitted
that sex took place, but they say it was consensual.
But that's what they'd say, whether it was or not...
Indeed! I'm not saying they are innocent, just that there's no proof of

Ofc, some people on this NG would like them found guilty purely on the
grounds that they are immigrants.
2016-10-08 10:41:50 UTC
Post by GB
Indeed! I'm not saying they are innocent, just that there's no proof of
Ofc, some people on this NG would like them found guilty purely on the
grounds that they are immigrants.
There is no proof of guilt until after a trial. And there may never be one if the suspects leave the country. Many speculate this is why they were released, considering the background of the suspects the case is "sensitive" and maybe the authorities want them to do a runner and remove the problem. It is causing great anger in normally placid Gotland where the peace, quiet and safety of the island has been shattered since the arrival of hundreds of Arab and North African migrants last year.

But then the Gotlanders did ask to be culturally enriched so they have nothing to complain about.
2016-10-08 10:55:33 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Indeed! I'm not saying they are innocent, just that there's no
proof of guilt.
Ofc, some people on this NG would like them found guilty purely on
the grounds that they are immigrants.
There is no proof of guilt until after a trial.
So, when you originally wrote "A gang of immigrant men, five of them,
held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for three hours and
gang raped her. " You meant there was no proof of that, just
conjecture? Honest of you to admit it at last!
Post by Svenne
It is causing great anger in normally
placid Gotland where the peace, quiet and safety of the island has
been shattered since the arrival of hundreds of Arab and North
African migrants last year.
I suppose that that would ginger the place up a bit. However, even if
all that is true, it doesn't prove that this woman was raped. What it
does explain is the over-reaction of the Gotlanders, with the public
prosecutor having to be protected just for doing his/her job correctly.
This is hardly a feather in Sweden's cap.
2016-10-08 11:19:39 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
Indeed! I'm not saying they are innocent, just that there's no
proof of guilt.
Ofc, some people on this NG would like them found guilty purely on
the grounds that they are immigrants.
There is no proof of guilt until after a trial.
So, when you originally wrote "A gang of immigrant men, five of them,
held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for three hours and
gang raped her. " You meant there was no proof of that, just
conjecture? Honest of you to admit it at last!
There is no doubt at all in media reporting and police statements that the woman was held in an apartment and repeatedly raped. There is just, as yet, no proof tested in a court of law of who it was who did exactly what or wether it was aggravated rape or not.
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
It is causing great anger in normally
placid Gotland where the peace, quiet and safety of the island has
been shattered since the arrival of hundreds of Arab and North
African migrants last year.
I suppose that that would ginger the place up a bit. However, even if
all that is true, it doesn't prove that this woman was raped. What it
does explain is the over-reaction of the Gotlanders, with the public
prosecutor having to be protected just for doing his/her job correctly.
This is hardly a feather in Sweden's cap.
Since the arrival of lots of immigrants, who were at first welcomed with open arms, the Gotlanders have had enough of the harrasment, petty crime, muggings, sexual assaults and rapes. They are hardly over-reacting considering what they have gone through. Although the idiots should have forseen it.
2016-10-08 11:39:14 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I suppose that that would ginger the place up a bit. However, even
if all that is true, it doesn't prove that this woman was raped.
What it does explain is the over-reaction of the Gotlanders, with
the public prosecutor having to be protected just for doing his/her
job correctly. This is hardly a feather in Sweden's cap.
Since the arrival of lots of immigrants, who were at first welcomed
with open arms, the Gotlanders have had enough of the harrasment,
petty crime, muggings, sexual assaults and rapes. They are hardly
over-reacting considering what they have gone through. Although the
idiots should have forseen it.
Clearly, rather than trying to lynch the prosecutor simply for doing his
job correctly, they should campaign for a change in the law? All
immigrants automatically guilty - no evidence needed. That would suit
you, and apparently quite a lot of Gotlanders, too.
2016-10-08 11:40:22 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by GB
I suppose that that would ginger the place up a bit. However, even
if all that is true, it doesn't prove that this woman was raped.
What it does explain is the over-reaction of the Gotlanders, with
the public prosecutor having to be protected just for doing his/her
job correctly. This is hardly a feather in Sweden's cap.
Since the arrival of lots of immigrants, who were at first welcomed
with open arms, the Gotlanders have had enough of the harrasment,
petty crime, muggings, sexual assaults and rapes. They are hardly
over-reacting considering what they have gone through. Although the
idiots should have forseen it.
Clearly, rather than trying to lynch the prosecutor simply for doing his
job correctly, they should campaign for a change in the law? All
immigrants automatically guilty - no evidence needed. That would suit
you, and apparently quite a lot of Gotlanders, too.
Oh, and if your summary of the press is to be believed, it would suit
the Swedish press, too. But, somehow, I don't believe that.
2016-10-08 14:40:27 UTC
Post by GB
Clearly, rather than trying to lynch the prosecutor simply for doing his
job correctly, they should campaign for a change in the law? All
immigrants automatically guilty - no evidence needed. That would suit
you, and apparently quite a lot of Gotlanders, too.
There is no such thing as automatically guilty. Every accused has the right to a fair trial.
2016-10-09 06:14:31 UTC
Post by GB
Post by Vidcapper
Post by GB
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive"
since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the
authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country
and the problem will go away.
Svenne, you have already covered the point about DNA. The men admitted
that sex took place, but they say it was consensual.
But that's what they'd say, whether it was or not...
Indeed! I'm not saying they are innocent, just that there's no proof of
Ofc, some people on this NG would like them found guilty purely on the
grounds that they are immigrants.
Well immigrants have form.
And their cult book advocates rape of infidels.
2016-10-09 06:13:22 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
What about DNA testing?
Or aren't they that advanced in Sweden?
The police are still investigating the rape. It is very "sensitive" since the suspects are a group of immigrant men and perhaps the authorities hope that by releasing the men they will leave the country and the problem will go away.
They're very immoral in Sweden.
As well as dopey.
2016-10-08 10:06:13 UTC
Post by harry
Another excusnik, in denial.
You're simply prejudiced - blinkered in your views. You can have no real
idea what happened from the evidence presented by Svenne, but there are
immigrants involved, so in what passes for your mind they must be
guilty. You probably also think they are responsible for the nuclear
blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2016-10-08 15:02:09 UTC
Post by GB
Post by harry
Another excusnik, in denial.
You're simply prejudiced - blinkered in your views. You can have no real
idea what happened from the evidence presented by Svenne, but there are
immigrants involved, so in what passes for your mind they must be
guilty. You probably also think they are responsible for the nuclear
blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I suppose it a bit like having travellers in the area and wondering why
things go missing in garden sheds.

Of course I'm prejudiced against criminals, most sensible people are.
2016-10-09 06:20:44 UTC
Post by GB
Post by harry
Another excusnik, in denial.
You're simply prejudiced - blinkered in your views. You can have no real
idea what happened from the evidence presented by Svenne, but there are
immigrants involved, so in what passes for your mind they must be
guilty. You probably also think they are responsible for the nuclear
blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It's you that's blinkered about these invaders.
Their behaviour is consistent wherever they appear.
Raping/enslavement of infidels is allowed.
Laid out in their cult book.
Read about it here and report back.

These are the people murdering one another in the ME right now.
And have a history of doing this going back centuries.
2016-10-08 07:09:31 UTC
Post by Svenne
The historic and idyllic island of Gotland on the east coast of Sweden with a population of 57,000 has long been popular with tourists and a stopover for Baltic cruise liners. But now the capital of Gotland, the medieval walled town of Visby, has been shaken by events not seen since Viking days and special police units have been sent from mainland Sweden to prevent the breakdown of law and order.
The trouble started a year ago when the island authorities decided that Gotland, with its homogenous Swedish population and ancient identity and traditions should become modern and multicultural. It was time for Gotland shake off it's sleepy cobwebs and become a vibrant and dynamic part of the new diverse Sweden. The Island was to open refugee centres and welcome hundreds of immigrant "New Gotlanders" who would enrich the isle with their exotic cultures and traditions. The old Gotlanders were exited by the prospect and looked forward with enthusiasm to the new friends they were going to make.
Things did not go as the Gotlanders were lead to believe or had expected. Shortly after the arrival of the immigrants a crime wave of never before seen proportions hit the once peaceful isle. A series of muggings, assaults and rapes flooded over the historical hills and valleys and shocked Gotlanders to the core. It became dangerous for women to go out alone at night, something unthinkable in Gotland just a year ago. And behind it all were the Gotlanders new friends, the immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa who all seemed to be fit, healthy and rather cocksure and assertive young men in their twenties and thirties.
Then, last week, came the final straw. A gang of immigrant men, five of them, held a wheelchair bound young Gotland woman prisoner for three hours and gang raped her. The woman, helpless out of her wheelchair, could offer no resistance or try to escape while she was repeatdly gang raped in what was described as "torture like conditions". The police quickly caught the suspects and held them in custody. The next day the public prosecutor ordered the men to be released since because no force had been used it could not be established with certainty that what had happened was rape.
This at last aroused the ancient Viking genes in the Gotlanders. An angry mob surrounded the police station in Visby threatening the safety of the suspected rapists and a breakaway group headed off to the prosecutors home and threatened to deal out mob justice to him. The police quickly smuggled the suspects out of Gotland and onto mainland Sweden and put police protection on the prosecutor and others involved in the case. But feeling are running high in the once peaceful Island. The Gotlanders, after a summer of muggings, robberies, sexual assaults and rapes have had enough of the immigrant enrichment they were promised and are looking for revenge.
Gotland is like Sweden in a microcosm and things are also looking very grim on mainland Sweden.
These Swedes must be awfully gullible to initially welcome this trash.
Still, socialists are known to be brain dead and incapable of calculating the likely outcome of their stupid theories/social engineering.
2016-10-08 08:31:25 UTC
Post by harry
These Swedes must be awfully gullible to initially welcome this trash.
Still, socialists are known to be brain dead and incapable of calculating the likely outcome of their stupid theories/social engineering.
It is fundamental in mainstream Sweden that all people are essentially the same and it is racist to differentiate. While it is true that all people are equal before the law, there are massive differences between the customs and values of different peoples, but Swedes will not have this. People are exactly the same in the eyes of the Swedes, cultures and values are the same and only Nazis and racisists would assert otherwise. Thus every Arab and Somali Muslim fundamentalist and every man from authoritarian and misogynist societies is no different at all from a liberal, secular Swede. Therefore there is no problem at all with massive immigration of men from the middle East and Africa, they are, after all, just the same as us.

This absurdly flawed world view involves, ever increasingly, intellectual contortions and violations of rationality of the most grotesque form. For example, when the taharrush phenomenon broke out on a large scale in Sweden this summer after the massive influx of Arab and North African migrants in the autumn of 2015 there was great anguish over the attitude of young men towards girls. Wave after wave of mass sexual harassment and even rape at music festival around the country left the Swedes at a loss about what to do. Since all men in all cultures are the same then this must be a "mans problem" reasoned the confused Swedes and Swedish mothers were exhorted to speak to their sons about respecting girls and not surrounding them in gangs and assaulting them. That Swedish boys had never done this and never would do it and that this was a new phenomenon never occourred to them. So it is when ideology and belief takes precedence over reality.

Even more ridiculous was when the "honour killing" phenomenon hit the headlines a few years ago. Swedes were shocked over the murder of immigrant girls and women by their fathers and brothers for the crime of wanting to live a liberated western lifestyle or even being seen talking to an ethnic Swedish boy in school. How could this phenomenon be prevented? Exhibitions were organised in museums around the country about "honour crime in Swedish society" and bus loads of Swedish pupils were taken to them in the hope it would prevent Swedish boys from slitting their sisters throats for the crime of wearing lipstick.

To teach Swedish boys a lesson a theater group wrote a play around Valerie Solanas manifesto SCUM (Society for Cutting up Men) in which revenge for men's crimes against women was advocated. Again, bus loads of Swedish school children were taken to see the play. To underscore the point the girls were given seats with cushions and chocolates to eat while boys got none and had to sit on hard wooden benches.

Here is the publicity film for the play:

It is getting more and more difficult for mass media to hide, relativise and rationalise what is happening to their society. I expect that a tipping point will be reached and Sweden will flip over into the opposite of what it is today. When it happens it will be far too late to do anything about it and very unpleasant.
2016-10-09 06:34:04 UTC
Post by Svenne
Post by harry
These Swedes must be awfully gullible to initially welcome this trash.
Still, socialists are known to be brain dead and incapable of calculating the likely outcome of their stupid theories/social engineering.
It is fundamental in mainstream Sweden that all people are essentially the same and it is racist to differentiate. While it is true that all people are equal before the law, there are massive differences between the customs and values of different peoples, but Swedes will not have this. People are exactly the same in the eyes of the Swedes, cultures and values are the same and only Nazis and racisists would assert otherwise. Thus every Arab and Somali Muslim fundamentalist and every man from authoritarian and misogynist societies is no different at all from a liberal, secular Swede. Therefore there is no problem at all with massive immigration of men from the middle East and Africa, they are, after all, just the same as us.
This absurdly flawed world view involves, ever increasingly, intellectual contortions and violations of rationality of the most grotesque form. For example, when the taharrush phenomenon broke out on a large scale in Sweden this summer after the massive influx of Arab and North African migrants in the autumn of 2015 there was great anguish over the attitude of young men towards girls. Wave after wave of mass sexual harassment and even rape at music festival around the country left the Swedes at a loss about what to do. Since all men in all cultures are the same then this must be a "mans problem" reasoned the confused Swedes and Swedish mothers were exhorted to speak to their sons about respecting girls and not surrounding them in gangs and assaulting them. That Swedish boys had never done this and never would do it and that this was a new phenomenon never occourred to them. So it is when ideology and belief takes precedence over reality.
Even more ridiculous was when the "honour killing" phenomenon hit the headlines a few years ago. Swedes were shocked over the murder of immigrant girls and women by their fathers and brothers for the crime of wanting to live a liberated western lifestyle or even being seen talking to an ethnic Swedish boy in school. How could this phenomenon be prevented? Exhibitions were organised in museums around the country about "honour crime in Swedish society" and bus loads of Swedish pupils were taken to them in the hope it would prevent Swedish boys from slitting their sisters throats for the crime of wearing lipstick.
To teach Swedish boys a lesson a theater group wrote a play around Valerie Solanas manifesto SCUM (Society for Cutting up Men) in which revenge for men's crimes against women was advocated. Again, bus loads of Swedish school children were taken to see the play. To underscore the point the girls were given seats with cushions and chocolates to eat while boys got none and had to sit on hard wooden benches.
It is getting more and more difficult for mass media to hide, relativise and rationalise what is happening to their society. I expect that a tipping point will be reached and Sweden will flip over into the opposite of what it is today. When it happens it will be far too late to do anything about it and very unpleasant.
Interesting monologue.
Sounds very socialist.
They get together and have an intellectual discussion about the world.
As they have never been there, there is no outside input so they come to outlandish conclusions that bear no relationship to reality.

They are so brain dead that it takes something close and personal to shake their infantile beliefs.

I have traveled the ME and North Afica.
Except where there's vast oil wealth, these people live in shitholes, due to their religion which has stopped all advancement for centuries.

Once again they want to make us like them.
Enabled by Bush/Bliar/Merkel/Camoron/the French idiot and Corbyn if he got the chance.
Brain dead PC socialists are completely unable to grasp this.
They never look at history books. Or even MSM,

Instead they stick their heads up their arses and talk to their brain dead pals.
2016-10-09 10:18:46 UTC
Post by harry
Post by Svenne
It is getting more and more difficult for mass media to hide, relativise and rationalise what is happening to their society. I expect that a tipping point will be reached and Sweden will flip over into the opposite of what it is today. When it happens it will be far too late to do anything about it and very unpleasant.
Interesting monologue.
Sounds very socialist.
In perhaps a portent of things to come in Sweden and maybe also in other European countries, the Special Police Forces sent to Gotland from mainland Sweden are acting like an unnacountable foreign occupation force independently of the islands own police who just have to stand powerlessly by and watch. Last evening and during the night the Special Forces began rounding up local Gotland youths, lining them up and searching them. The local newspaper asked the local police chief about this, but he said he was completely powerless and had no idea what was going on:

"I really don't know what they are doing. That force is living a life of it's own and is not being lead from here said Thomas Rasch, Station Chief with Gotland police." (my translation)


So, from an idyllic and peaceful isle planning a future multicultural paradise to a crime ridden occupied island in the space of a year. Gotland is doing well for itself.
2016-10-09 14:01:02 UTC
Post by harry
Post by Svenne
It is getting more and more difficult for mass media to hide, relativise
and rationalise what is happening to their society. I expect that a
tipping point will be reached and Sweden will flip over into the
opposite of what it is today. When it happens it will be far too late to
do anything about it and very unpleasant.
Interesting monologue.
Sounds very socialist.
In perhaps a portent of things to come in Sweden and maybe also in other
European countries, the Special Police Forces sent to Gotland from mainland
Sweden are acting like an unnacountable foreign occupation force
independently of the islands own police who just have to stand powerlessly
by and watch. Last evening and during the night the Special Forces began
rounding up local Gotland youths, lining them up and searching them. The
local newspaper asked the local police chief about this, but he said he was
completely powerless and had no idea what was going on:

"I really don't know what they are doing. That force is living a life of
it's own and is not being lead from here said Thomas Rasch, Station Chief
with Gotland police." (my translation)


So, from an idyllic and peaceful isle planning a future multicultural
paradise to a crime ridden occupied island in the space of a year. Gotland
is doing well for itself.


That is terrible:( Are they determined to wreck every corner???
2016-10-11 19:18:13 UTC






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